
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success

Times Tables

The Multiplication Table Check (MTC) is an onscreen  times tables check that is statutory for all Year 4 pupils in England. The purpose of the check according to the Government is to " check that pupils can recall their times tables ( up to 12x) fluently and to identify pupils who have not yet mastered them so that additional support can be provided." The check consists of 25 questions and the children will get 6 seconds to answer each one.

The check will take place in June 2024. We will give you more information about the check in Term 5. We will be practising our times tables weekly in class and be asking pupils to practise at home too! Below are some useful resources but please use what ever helps your child to remember their tables from singing in the bath to sticky notes stuck around the house !

If you would like to practise answering questions with the 6 second timer, use this game below:

Time to practise those timestables! Below are the timestable sheets we use in class for you to use at home. We have also attached the poster, so you can work out what level you are by dividing the number of seconds you took by how many you got correct.
