Guide to information
All schools in England that are subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) 2000, including academies and free schools, are required to complete a ‘guide to information’ explaining where certain information can be found and what charge can be expected.
Schools are expected to make the information outlined below available unless one of the following conditions applies:
• They do not hold the information
• The information is exempt under one of the FOIA exemptions or Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 (EIR) exceptions, or its release is prohibited under another statute
• The information is readily and publicly available from an external website (such information may
have been provided either by the school or on its behalf); in such cases, the school must provide a
direct link to that information
• The information is archived, out of date or otherwise inaccessible
• It would be impractical or resource-intensive to prepare the material for routine release
If this information is only held by another public authority, the school should provide details of where to obtain it. As a minimum, the ICO expects schools to make available information that is required by statute, by the DfE or by a funding agreement.