
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success



 In line with our homework policy and year 5 expectations, children in Simmonds Class will be set one additional homework task per week (generally literacy or numeracy based, but occasionally a topic task or home project) to complement the on-going expectation of weekly spellings and times table practice.

Pupils are also expected to read regularly: 5 - 10 mins a day has a significant impact on the fluency and progress of children's reading.

All tasks will be posted on this page every Friday and will be due in by the following Thursday (except long term projects, which will be given their own due date).

Homework books have been provided in which to complete the work. 

The websites listed below provide links to a range of games and activities that can support the basic skills covered in class. They are very useful as a complement to given homework tasks:
