
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success




Reading Recommendations! 




Reading books can be exchanged as and when children have finished reading them.  


Children will be reminded in the morning to bring their reading books up to the classroom, however it is their responsibility to place their reading books and reading records in the box in the classroom to be changed.  


Children will choose their own reading book to take home.  


On each occasion that you listen to your child read, please fill in their reading record.  


A school-wide reading reward system is now in place for children to earn certificates once they have reached certain milestones (this replaces the class based reading reward system that was in place in Term 1).




Spellings and Times Tables


New spelling lists and times table sheets will go out every Wednesday afternoon.  


Please ensure homework books are sent into school every Tuesday, so that the new sheets can be stuck inside.


Children are to practise their spellings and times tables in their homework books across the week to ensure that they are prepared for the tests on Wednesday.  


Playing TT Rockstars regularly will help your child to recall their times tables with increasing accuracy and speed (it is also good preparation for the time table check in year 4).


A copy of children’s TT Rockstar logins can be found in the inside cover of their homework book.  




Topic-Based Projects


In certain terms there will be topic-based projects (separate guidance for these will be sent home when they come up).

Rainforests Project will take place in Term 2.

Further information will be sent out via a letter. Keep your eyes peeled.
