
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success

Year 1 – Anning Class

Welcome to Anning Class 2023/2024

Welcome to Anning Class, all the children have made a fantastic start to year 1. It has been great getting to know them all. The Year 1 team are looking forward to the year ahead. 


  • PE days are Tuesday and Thursday. 
  • Spelling Test is every Wednesday. 
  • Reading books and reading records should be in every day. 


If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact me on 


Thank you,

Miss Adams 

Weather Forecast

In geography year 1 looked at how the weather forecast is presented and presented the weather to the class. They used a map of the UK, weather symbols and key vocabulary. 

Sports Day!

Partitioning Number 

We have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones using the part whole model. We started off by using dienes and straws to show how we partition numbers. We then used the part whole model to partition the numbers by writing the number of tens and ones. 

Finding Quarters of a Quantity 

In numeracy, we had to find a quarter of a quantity using cubes or counters. We knew we had to split the cubes/counters into four equal groups to find a quarter. 

Art - Fabricates

Rugby Sessions

Year 1 have been lucky to have rugby sessions with Bristol Bears, they have been learning about the sport, practising their throwing and catching and learning to play tag rugby. 

Making Doubles 

The children used counters and cubes to make doubles. 

International Day

All the children dressed up for International Day and tried a variety of foods from around the world. 

Spring Walk

In science we went on a spring walk around the school ground. We looked for signs of spring, like green leaves, flowers and different types of bugs. 

School Trip

Anning Class went on a school trip to Bristol Museum, we found lots of things linked to our learning. We spotted fossils, dinosaur bones, gems and animals. 

Marble Run Fun

As a school we had a fun science day where every class was challenged to make marble runs out of cardboard.  

World Book Day!

Anning Class came to school dressed as their favourite book character on World Book Day. 

The Big Dig

In history year 1's topic is Mary Anning and Amelia Earhart. Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter, the children in Anning Class became fossil hunters for the day and went hunting for fossils, gems and bones. 

Art - Finger Painting 

In art the children used their fingers to paint a landscape picture. 

DT - Pirate Paddy's Packed Lunch Problems

The children made packed lunches for Pirate Paddy as the seagulls kept stealing his lunch. They used recycled materials and tested it by seeing how many carrots they could fit in their lunch box. 


In science year 1 went outside and observed the trees and the leaves to see what they look like during autumn. They then drew what they could see and we discussed it as a class. 



































































Red Nose Day!

Junk Modelling

To help us with our writing of our stories about our boats journey, we had an afternoon of junk modelling. We had to build boats using recycling, we then tested them out in water to see if they floated. We showed Miss Adams using our thumbs, thumbs up showed that they floated, thumbs down meant they sunk. All our boats were successful and floated. 


World Book Day

During English Week we completed lots of fun activities, for example bedtime stories, library visits and World Book Day. On World Book Day we all dressed up as characters from books and we made our own book marks to either use at home or in our school reading books. 

School Library Visit 

The children all got to visit the school library and explore the books there, we also discussed how we could make the new library more enticing, for example adding more colours and comfy seating.   

Science Experiment 

During our science lesson, the children took part in an experiment using their sense. They were given different objects or foods and had to use one of their senses to guess what it was, e.g. just by smelling it, touching it or tasting it. 

Geography Trip

We walked around Brentry and Henbury for our geography trip, the children had to look out for different things they could spot. They spotted the doctors surgery, a pub, the library, lots of shops, another school and ALDI. 

Literacy Lesson

Year 1 explored non-fiction books to find out about lots of different animals, they then had to draw and label the animals they spotted. 


Extra Playtime

On Friday, the children earnt themselves 10 minutes extra playtime during assembly, they had these 10 minutes in the sun playing in the reception playground. 


Phonics Bingo 

During the start of this term, the children recapped their level 2 and level 3 sounds by playing phonics bingo. 

Christmas Crafts

Christmas crafts started today. We designed and painted our own baubles ready to hang on the Christmas tree. 

Christmas Production - Stable Animals

History - Toys 

Anning Class have a new topic in history, it is toys. We are going to be looking at toys now adays and those from the past, looking at their similarities and differences. The children brought in their favourite toys from home so we could all look at toys from now adays. 


Spooktacular Day

We all looked a little different on Spooktacular Day, the children's costumes were all amazing!

Autumn Walk 

The children went on an autumn walk with Mrs Collins, they spotted lots of things, berries, red, orange and yellow leaves, sticks, fruit, feathers, dandelions, bark and nuts. They are going to write about what they found in literacy and draw pictures of them too. 

Hello Yellow Day 

On Monday, we had Hello Yellow Day (World Mental Health Day) where we raised money for the Young Minds charity. The children wore yellow and during the afternoon they did a carousel of activities that promoted positive wellbeing. They built things with lego, played with playdough, completed mindfulness colourings, played with the sand and dinosaurs, created colourful patterns with the pins and made flowers out of the straws. The children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. 


KS2 Playground

The children had a extra 10 minutes playtime on Friday because Anning Class had the best attendance the week before. They played in the KS2 playground with some of the older children. 

Forest School

Anning Class had their first forest school session last week. Caterpillar, their instructor, showed them how to safely make a fire, they roasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate. They also made cinnamon bread which all the children tried but not many of them liked it. The children then had a little bit of free time in the forest school area. 


In PE this term we are doing gymnastics. In the first lesson we learnt different jumps, for example star, tuck and pike and the children had a go at making up their own jumps. We also explored different ways to travel along the benches and practiced our jumps off the end of them. 

Noah's Ark Farm

Back to school meeting power point presentation

Welcome to Anning Class 2021-2022

Term 6

We started our Science topic about 'Scientists and Inventors' by looking at Lego which was invented by a Danish man called Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1949. We looked at the properties of plastic and why Christiansen decided to make lego out of plastic. We then made some models out of lego !


It's our final term in Year 1 ! How quickly time has gone !

We have another Art based topic this term. It's called 'Landscapes and Cityscapes' and we will be studying the work of the artists: Monet, Van Gogh and Metzinger.

We hope the weather we will be good this term so we can do lots of learning outside.

We have Sports Day, the Summer Fair,our Class Trip to Noah's Ark Farm and lots more to look forward to this term. We will also be preparing for our transition to Year 2 !


Term 5

Our Beans

We all planted a bean seed and watched how they grew ! We made sure they had water, soil and lots of sunshine ! We wrote about our beans each week in our bean diaries and drew pictures of them.

We also did an experiment and planted a bean without any soil, one without any light and one without any water. The one without any soil grew but was a bit wobbly as it didn't have any soil to anchor it's roots into. The one without light grew very,very tall as it was searching for light. It might have grown the tallest but it didn't look very healthy and was yellow ! The one with no water didn't really grow at all. We will take our beans home. Mrs Collins wonders if anyone's beanstalk will produce some beans !

We are now into the Summer Term ! Our topics in Term 5 and 6 are art based. In Term 5 are topic is called Colour Chaos and we will be learning about primary and secondary colours and mixing different colours and tints to use in our art work. We will be studying different artists too and trying to paint and draw in their style. Some of the artists we will be studying include : Paul Klee, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock and Rothko.

We will be looking at Plants in our Science lessons and growing our own beans. We hope our beans will grow as tall as Jack's in Jack and the Beanstalk ! We will reading the story of Jack and learning to retell it through Talk for Writing. We will try and write our own version of this traditional tale.

Fingers crossed the sun will shine every Wednesday this term as it is our turn to take part in Forest Schools ! We are looking forward to lots of fun in the Wildlife Area with Caterpillar. We may even be able to toast marshmallows around the campfire and make hot chocolate too.

Red Nose Day

On Friday we celebrated Red Nose Day by dressing up as Superheroes or in the Ukrainian colours of blue and yellow. Apart from having lots of fun we also raised lots of money for charities to help make a difference to people who are not as fortunate as we are.

Science Day

We had an exciting day on Monday as it was Science Day ! We did some science in our own class before going into Brunel Class to do some science experiments with Mrs Moore. After lunch we visited Potter Class to do some science investigations with Miss Millard. During the day we made a colour symphony, tried to make a paper clip float, investigated how to make slime stretchy and learnt about volcanoes and made lemon volcanoes ! It was great fun.

English Week

The first week of Term 4 was a busy one as it was English Week. 

We loved listening to the story 'Mr. Wolf's Pancakes' on Pancake Day. We sequenced the events of the story, wrote shopping lists to buy the ingredients for pancakes, made some pancake batter and then of course ate some pancakes ! Delicious !

On Wednesday some of us came back to school in the evening dressed in our PJ's for some bedtime stories. We also enjoyed some hot chocolate and cookies.

It was World Book Day on Thursday so we dressed up as our favourite book characters. Mrs Collins thought we all looked brilliant !

Term 4

Hope everyone had a happy half term holiday !

In Term 4 we will be studying another geography based topic called 'Our Country'. We will be learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We will also be comparing our capital city, London, with the  capital city of Brasilia in Brazil.

We start off the term with a busy week as it's English Week, Pancake Day and St David's Day !

On Wednesday we will be welcoming the children back into school in the evening for a bedtime story !

On Thursday it is World Book Day and so we will be dressing up as book characters!

On Friday we will be swapping class teachers during story time. The lovely Miss Trotman will be coming to read one of her favourite stories to  Anning Class.

Here is a copy of Term 4's curriculum overview. The children have also been given a copy to take home.

Term 4 Curriculum overview

Term 3

Rosie's Walk 

We read the story 'Rosie's Walk' by Pat Hutchins in Literacy. We predicted what was going to happen to the fox after each page ! We then drew a map of Rosie's journey around the farmyard as part of our work in geography. Mrs Collins thought our maps were brilliant !

'Jelly on a Plate' Poems

We learnt the poem 'Jelly on a Plate'. We looked carefully at the pattern and rhythm of the poem. We learnt that parts of a poem are called verses. Mrs Collins asked us to write some more verses following the pattern of the first verse. We thought of some adjectives to describe some different foods. But of course first we had to do some research and tasted the foods and used our other senses to think of some amazing adjectives! We then wrote our poems !

Chinese New Year

On 1st February we celebrated Chinese New Year. We found out how and why the Chinese years are named after animals. This year is the year of the Tiger. It was really interesting to find out about the celebrations . We made Chinese lanterns and spiral tigers. In PE we made up dances with a partner pretending to go on a lantern procession and be a Chinese dragon. Rowan had done a lot of research and was able to show us some photos and talk about his visit to the Chinese Supermarket. He very kindly shared some fortune cookies with us at the end of the day ! Thank you Rowan.

Chip's Birthday !

January seemed a very long month after the excitement of December but luckily on the 28th January it was Chip's 6th Birthday ! Chip is our class sausage dog. His real name is Chipolata but we just call him Chip. Chip is always there for us if we are in need of a hug so we thought we would give him a birthday to remember and plan a party for him!

First we wrote a shopping list of all the things we might need for a party. Then we sent out some invitations. We made some decorations for the classroom. We designed and wrote cards to give him and wrapped his present.  We iced his birthday cake and added 6 candles. We think he really enjoyed the day. He loved watching us play musical statues, bumps and chairs. We sang happy birthday to him after he blew out his candles. Then we all tucked in to a party tea. Chip was a very lucky sausage dog !. He would like to thank everyone in Anning Class for making his birthday so special and for all the lovely presents and cards he received !

We have been learning about our teen numbers. We represented the numbers in as many different ways we could using our maths equipment.

During our geography lesson we have been learning the points of the compass ...North,South,East,West!  We played a game in PE to help us remember them. Today we made 'messy' maps of our classroom. We remembered that maps are drawn from a bird's eye view. We used lots of the resources in the classroom to make our maps. We think they look great !

In Science we have been learning the names of parts of our body. During our PE lesson we used different parts of our bodies to try and balance on. Some parts were harder than others !

We have been learning the names of 3D shapes and finding out the properties of these shapes. We found some of the 3D shapes can roll and some are good at stacking and others aren't. We have been making towers with the shapes. We have found out that the sides of the shapes are called 'faces'.

We started our new term by celebrating the New Year ! We made New Years Resolutions and made some New Year party crowns !

Happy New Year !

We hope you all had a relaxing holiday and would like to wish you a very happy and healthy 2022 !

The start of a new year and the start of a new term ! This term we have a geography based topic and it's all about 'Our School'. Please find below a copy of the curriculum overview of Term 3 which shows some of the topic areas we will be covering in Term 3.

We will be learning our Phase 4 and 5 sounds this term and below is a copy of these too.

There are a few staff changes this term as Miss Adams is off to teach the lucky Year 3 ! Mrs Vale Guerreiro is back from maternity leave and will be our Teaching Assistant in the mornings and Mrs Kelle Thomas will be our Teaching Assistant in the afternoons. On a Wednesday morning Year 1 will continue to be taught by Mrs Price for Music and  this term by Mrs Irwin for Computing. As we will be working hard on our phonics and reading throughout the rest of the year in readiness for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term some children will be working with our Phonics Lead Teacher Mrs Tierney three times a week to boost their phonics and reading knowledge. We are very excited to be working with so many fantastic members of staff.

As always if there are any questions or problems please do not hesitate to come and talk to one of the Year 1 Team or email us.

Looking forward to the new term !

Term 3 Curriculum Overview

Phase 4 Blends and Phase 5 Sounds

Term 2

Merry Christmas Everyone !

What a busy term it has been with lots of fun and achievements. In the last few days of term we have seen the results of our fabulous Christmas production by watching ourselves star as stable animals in 'Christmas with Aliens' on the big screen ! We have taken part in lots of Christmas sports activities and enjoyed our Christmas Dinner Day and wearing our Christmas jumpers. Here we are all dressed up and raising £ 20 for Save the Children Fund.

We hope you have a fantastic Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing you in 2022 !

Apples on the Tree Treat

Anning Class have been working hard to earn all the apples on the class tree. This week we were rewarded by having a Class treat. We voted to have a movie afternoon with popcorn and treats! We also wanted to wear our pyjamas and bring in our cuddlies and blankets. Here are some photos of us ready to watch our movie ... Toy Story!

Anti Bullying Week 

One Kind Word

This week we have been thinking of the different ways we can be kind to each other. We have all been caught doing kind actions to our friends and have each received a certificate to show this. On Friday we wore odd socks to show that it is great to be different !

History of Toys

This term our history based topic is Toys. After examining our own toys and finding out what they are made of and how they work we asked our lovely parents and grandparents some questions about their own toys in the past. We were very lucky to be able to see some of those toys and books in class this week. Thank you very much parents and grandparents! The toys really brought our History lesson alive !

Term 1


We have been busy making our own fossils this week. We made some salt dough and pressed dinosaur feet and bones into the dough to make imprints. We then cooked the salt dough in the oven.  Here are our results:


During this term we have been very lucky to have been taught yoga by our fabulous yoga teacher Vicky. We have really enjoyed making all the shapes as well as having some time to be quiet and still.

Autumn Amble

Anning Class went for a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn this week. With the Autumn sun out we had a lovely amble outside. We used our senses to listen to the leaves on the trees moving in the wind and stomped through piles of crunchy leaves ! We found the leaves had turned to so many different colours. We also spotted ladybirds, earwigs, nuts, berries, toadstools, seeds and apples growing on our apple trees. It was a lovely afternoon in the fresh air !

Hello Yellow Day

We celebrated Hello Yellow Day on Friday and wore yellow to raise awareness of mental health. We talked about what makes us feel happy and what we could do if we were feeling sad. Mrs Collins gave everyone a certificate to tell them how proud she is of us. We know we all have special talents and super powers that make us special. We also read a story that showed how it is fine to be different and to stand out from the crowd. We had lots of fun and took good care of each other just like we do everyday in Anning Class ! Here are some photos from the day.

National Poetry Day

It was National Poetry Day this week and we have been reading and writing poems. Anning Class were learning all about acrostic poems. We wrote a class one together before writing our own. Here is our class poem:


Dig,dig dinosaur fossils underground,

In the swamps they were found,

Nip,nipping at leaves and trees,

Out of an egg another one pops!

Scratch,scratch go the claws of a baby dinosaur,

All their names are very long,

Under the volcanoes they are so strong,

Roar,roar they make you shake like an earthquake,

Stomp,stomp the beat of their heavy feet !



On Thursday we were able to perform our poem in a Poetry Assembly in front of the whole school ! It was a bit scary but Mrs Collins said we were fantastic and that she was very proud of us. Here is a video of us practising:

Our Class Poem

Still image for this video

The Big Dig

On Wednesday Anning Class became paleontologists and followed in  the steps of Mary Anning by going on a Big Dig ! We labelled our collection pots and collected our digging equipment before setting off outside. We dug carefully and amazingly found bones, dinosaur teeth, rocks, gems and fossils ! We even took Chip, our class dog ,with us as Mary Anning used to go out fossil hunting with her own dog called Tray. Luckily Chip didn't eat any of the bones as we are going to send off our finds to the Museum to see if they can help us identify them !

It was vey exciting and we loved digging and finding objects from the past just like Mary Anning.

Circus Day !

On the day of the Fair the Circus came to Brentry so we decided to have a circus day ! We did lots of circus activities throughout the day. There was an office in the writing area where we sold circus tickets, we made clown hats and did other art activities, played in our new circus tent and watched the real Big Top arrive. We practised walking on stilts and in P.E tried to juggle, balance and walk along the tightrope ! We had lots of fun and some of us were lucky enough to visit the real circus after school at the fair !

Week starting 13th September

We have continued exploring our classroom and outdoor learning area this week. We have all enjoyed learning with our friends and being creative with the resources in the classroom. We have started to make our class rules to make sure everyone in Anning Class are able to learn in a safe and happy classroom.

During the last few days we have all been to our first whole school assembly, enjoyed playing with friends in other classes at playtimes and eaten our lunch in the hall with our friends in Year 2.

On Mondays for the next 6 weeks we will be chilling in the hall with Vicky our fabulous yoga teacher!

Here are some photos of us settling in to Anning Class.

Welcome To Anning Class 2020-2021

I hope you have all had a brilliant Summer Holiday ! We can't wait to hear about what you have been up to ! We are really looking forward to seeing you all again in the year 1 classroom. We will have lots of fun this week getting to know each other and finding out about our new classroom and topics. 

When you come into class on Tuesday morning there will be lots of familiar faces to help you find your peg and drawer. You can put your water bottle by the sink and your packed lunch on the trolley and then you can play and chat with your friends !

I will be sending a welcome letter out tomorrow at the end of the day and an overview of the work we will be covering in Anning Class this year too.

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow !

Mrs Collins

Welcome Letter and Topic Overview for Term 1


Week ending 25th June

SAFARI DAY- thank you so much for all of your efforts! The children looked great in their outfits!!


This week in maths, we started to look at different coins.


Useful link:


Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:









Welcome to Anning Class (Year 1)

Week ending 18.06.21


This week in maths we have looked at place value to 100. The children have practiced counting to 100, recognising and making numbers to 100, and comparing numbers to 100. 


Useful links



Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June

This week’s score:









Pictures of DT week. This week we have looked at moving pictures in traditional tales.

Week Ending 11th June 2021


This week in maths we have been looking at position and direction. The Diamonds group have been looking at addition. 


Here are some useful links:



Here are the spellings for this week


Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 18th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Friday 18th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Friday 18th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Friday 18th of June

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 18th of June

This week’s score:








Maths- Week ending 21st of May

This week in maths we have looked at finding quarters of an amount. Please see below some useful links for games which will support your child at home. 


Useful links: 

Fractions and division


Counting in 2's


Place value






Forest School Photos

Spellings Week Ending 21st of May

Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 28th of May

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Friday 28th of May

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Friday 28th of May

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Friday 28th of May

This week’s score:








Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Friday 28th of May

This week’s score:










Week ending 23rd April

It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week and for the most part they have settled in really nicely. We have had a very productive week that has seen the children make great progress with their learning and character development. Furthermore, we started the week by looking at plants, discussing what they need to grow. The children enjoyed planting some broad beans into a bowlful of cotton wool.  The next day, they wrote instructions on how to grow plants effectively. Today, we checked on our bean plants and the children wrote about the changes they noticed. We also revised our understanding of 2D shapes and looked at some art work created by Piet Mondrian which inspired the children to create some fabulous collages (see pictures below).  



Please have a go at practicing the spellings when you can and please bring these books back into school each day.


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Many thanks,


Week ending 1st of April

The children enjoyed exploring capacity and volume, writing Easter cards, playing Buried Treasure, reviewing numbers to 50, and learning about Rio de Janeiro. We are looking forward to welcoming back the children on the 19th of April.

Happy Easter!

Best wishes,

Mr McFarlane

Week ending 26th March


Literacy and numeracy

The children blew me away with their own stories of George and the Dragon. All of the children were able to write at least one part of their own story, using adjectives to effectively describe the setting and characters.  In numeracy, we studied mass and weight. We discussed how mass is how much stuff is in something, whereas weight is the force of gravity pulling down an object. The children worked together to measure the mass of different objects.


We started the week by exploring Brasilia and comparing it to London. The children enjoyed working collaboratively to compare the differences and similarities in transport, the flags, population and climates. Following this, we looked at the weather and the children were able to write a successful weather report. In RE, we looked at the word 'surprise'. The children were able to confidently share about a time where they were surprised. 


I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr McFarlane



Week ending 19th March

Numeracy and literacy

This week in numeracy, the children have been exploring height and length. They have enjoyed measuring different objects using cubes and rulers. In literacy, the children sequenced and created a story map for the book George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. 



In PE, the we continued creating our class dance. Please watch the video below to see what the children have come up with so far. 



In our topic lessons, we looked at London. The children explored London's landmarks using Google Earth and video tours. They then had a go at drawing and creating models of some of the landmarks (see pictures below). 


I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,


Pictures from the week

Week ending March 12th 2021


This week we had Science Week where we focused on improving our outdoor classroom. The children started the week by creating their own pencil pots using recycled and crafty materials. We then designed and made recycled planters. Next week, we will plant some sunflower seeds into our planters. Furthermore, the children also enjoyed our Wellie Walk (see pictures below), where we were looking out for the different signs of spring. 


Numeracy and literacy

In numeracy, we revised counting in 2's and 5's. The children enjoyed completing a range of activities to improve their pace and conceptual understanding. In literacy, we looked at the book: George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. We read up until the point where it is revealed that the dragon has a secret. The children then wrote a prediction about what they thought the secret was. We'll find out what it is next week. 


I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

Many thanks,

Mr McFarlane

Competition Time!

Can you guess which member of the Brentry staff team is behind each mask?

Fill in the entry form below and email it to Mrs Ochiltree at by Wednesday 10th March for a chance to win prizes!

The Masked Reader Competition

Dear parent/ guardian,

Thank you so much for all your efforts with the home learning. I have been so impressed with the work that has been sent through. Also, thank you for those of you who got back to me about how you'd like the files to be attached. The majority of parents are happy with them to be attached as PDF's. I have uploaded next weeks home learning. I have set it up differently to hopefully make it easier for you to follow. Please click on the 'Home Learning' icon like you usually would. After this you will see that there is a star that says 'Y1 Home Learning Week Beginning Jan 18th', please click on this. On there you will see the Timetable PDF and the Spellings PDF at the top of the page. The links for the White Rose Maths challenges have been included in the timetable. If you would like to complete the Diamonds/ Amethyst challenges instead then click on the 'Maths' heading and you will see them there (in order). Here you will also find the extra challenges and consolidation activities. There are also headings for Science, Geography, Handwriting and You Can't Win Them All Rainbow Fish (one of our stories). Click on these to find the PDF's for these topics. I will send out the Zoom details, stories and phonics videos next week. 

I hope this makes sense and that it makes it easier for you to follow. 

I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.

As always, if you have any questions or worries, send me an email and I will try and get back to you as soon as possible: 

Many thanks,

Aidan McFarlane

Dear parent/ guardian,

I hope the start to home learning has been as smooth as possible. 

I have sent out an email with a link for today's story time and a separate email with the details for tomorrow's Zoom Catch Up. 

Say hello to the children for me.

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 1:00 PM, albeit virtually. 

Please drop me an email if you have any problems/ questions: 

Best wishes,

Aidan McFarlane

Dear parent/guardian,

Well done for making it through what I'm sure has been a challenging week. 

I have uploaded next weeks home learning. Please click on 'School Closure Home Learning' and then 'Weekly Timetable' to see the full details of next weeks home learning. I have tried to make it as manageable for you as possible. For the numeracy I have added challenges for each of the maths groups (Diamonds, Amethysts, Topaz and Sapphires) that the children have been assigned to in school. If your child cannot remember what group he/she is in then please do email me and let me know. My hope is that this will make the numeracy easier for you and your child. I have attached everything as a PDF so that you can access the learning without having to have Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. I will be emailing out two videos of me reading a story and details for our Zoom Catch Up session. I look forward to seeing the children then. In the meantime I hope you all have a lovely weekend. 

Please do email me if you have any questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Send my love to the children and take care.

Many thanks,

Aidan McFarlane

Dear parents.

I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year! I am currently in the process of putting together a timetable for home learning.  Please keep an eye on the 'School Closure Home Learning' section above as I will be adding resources on here. I know this will be a daunting process for many of you so I hope to make it as smooth and easy to manage as possible.  Please feel free to contact me at anytime: 

Please send my love to the children and tell them I can't wait to catch up with them soon!

Many thanks,

Aidan McFarlane

Happy New Year!!!

I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas break. 

Below are some pictures from our last week of last term. 

Best wishes,

Mr McFarlane

                            Week ending 11th of December 


Anning class loved bringing their toys from home in (see pictures below) and playing with them with their friends at school. The following day, the children wrote about their toy and who they played with. Their writing was fabulous! In science, we looked at weather reports and the children had a go at writing their own. 


Maths and phonics

In maths this week, we've continued exploring 3D and 2D shapes. We looked at sorting shapes (see pictures below), drawing them and describing their properties. In phonics we looked at 'phoneme spotters' (stories where the children find a certain phoneme/ sound) to help us with some of the sounds that we still find a bit tricky.  


I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Best wishes,

Mr McFarlane

Week ending 4th December 2020


This week in history we played a board game to test each other on what we've learned about toys. The children engaged in high quality discussions and enjoyed having the opportunity to play a game in small groups. We also went on a 'winter hunt' (wellie walk) around the school to see what signs of winter we could spot. The children enjoyed listening and looking out for robins (see pictures below).  



In Mr McFarlane's PE, the children used their skills learned in our previous gymnastics lessons to complete an obstacle course (see pictures below). It has been great to see the children become more confident in using their bodies to create different shapes, balances and travel in a variety of ways. 


Numeracy and literacy

The Anning Class have finished off looking at subtraction this week. The children practised counting backwards, explored finding the differences between numbers, and compared different number sentences. In literacy, we have continued to focus on using adjectives to improve our descriptive writing. We looked at the book: Secrets of Winter by Carron Brown and Georgina Tee, to pick out things we might see in the winter. We finished the week off by writing winter poems to show what we have learned in our topic and literacy lessons. 


Please don't hesitate to email me any queries: 

I wish you all a restful weekend,

Mr McFarlane

Week ending 27th November 2020


This week in history the children compared Victorian toys with toys that they play with now. We explored what different children played with and how wealth affected what toys the children had. In RE we looked at the story of The Lost Sheep. We will be doing a 'Wellie Walk' for science on Wednesday the 2nd of December so please bring in Wellies! 



In phonics we have been looking at CVCC words: blend, mend, send, milk, tent. 



The children have explored subtraction this week and have had a go at writing facts for different numbers using part whole models: see pictures below. 

5+2=7, 7-2=5, 7=5+2, etc.          



In literacy we have looked at the book: The Day the Crayons Quit by Oliver Jeffers and Drew Daywalt. The children enjoyed writing a letter to Duncan from a crayons point of view. 

Best wishes, 

Mr McFarlane


Welcome to Anning Class (Year 1)

Week ending 20th November 2020

Science and history

This week in Year 1 we have continued exploring toys throughout history. We discussed when various toys were made and the children enjoyed sorting different toys into when they thought they were first used. This week has also seen the Anning Class create their own wind vanes (see picture below) and rain gauges to help us record weather data in the next couple of weeks. 



Engaging writing has been a focus in Year 1 over the past couple of weeks. The children have enjoyed learning about adjectives and using them to enhance their writing further. This week we looked at the book: 'Stanley's Sitck' by John Hegley. We focused on our 'Retrieve' VIPER to help us write sentences about what Stanley used his stick for. The children loved playing in the forest school area with their sticks (see PDF of pictures below) and wrote about what they used their sticks for on Friday. 



In Numeracy we have been finishing off looking at addition. The children have used ten frames and part-whole models to help them explore different number bonds up to 10 (e.g. 5 + 1 =6). Please be asking them different number bonds over the weekend. Repeating these helps the children learn them. 


Have a lovely weekend,

Mr McFarlane

The Big Dig!

We had a brilliant 'WOW' event to introduce our 'Digging Deep' topic. Thirty paleontologists excitedly digging for fossils, bones and gems! 

Look at what we found!


Well, what a fantastic start to the term! The children in Anning Class have settled back into school life so brilliantly! We have spent the first few weeks of term working on the Recovery Curriculum where the children have re-established their relationships and their sense of belonging in our school community. We have also spent time reflecting on the lock-down period and how we felt during this time. 

Alongside the Recovery Curriculum, the children have been showing us their reading, writing and numeracy skills and have started to complete activities independently!

We are really proud of the children. 


Here are some photographs of our first few weeks in Year 1, showing our Yoga sessions, PE activities, re-building relationships, working independently and lunchtimes!


This week, we are going to start our 'Digging Deep' topic. The Year 1 team love this topic and we hope the children will too!

It's all about dinosaurs and our text for this term is 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow. The children will also be finding out about Mary Anning (our class name!) who, as a young girl, found an ichtyosaur in the cliffs of Lyme Regis. 

     Anning Class 2020-2021

Welcome to Anning Class Everyone ! 

I hope you've all had a fantastic Summer Holiday ! We are really looking forward to seeing you all on Monday and hearing about your news and what you have been doing over the last few weeks.

I  really enjoyed meeting you all in Potter Class last term and know we are going to have lots of fun together in Anning Class. We have lots of exciting activities planned and lots of time to play games, listen to stories and enjoy being with our friends again.

Don't worry if you are feeling a little nervous to begin with. It's Ok to feel like this but we will look after you and I am sure the butterflies in your tummy will soon fly away ! We are very lucky because some  of the teachers you know from Potter Class will be with you again this year ...Miss Gallear, Miss Eddells , Mrs Hancock ( Handy Mandy!) , Mrs Price and Mrs Vale- Guerreiro ! Wow what a lot of lovely teachers who will be there to  take care of you !

I am sorry that I won't be in Anning Class at the beginning of term but Miss Ransom is soooo excited that she is coming to be your teacher for the first few weeks ! You will also meet another fantastic and lovely teacher called Mrs Andrew who will teach you too. Will you look after Miss Ransom and Mrs Andrew for me Anning Class ?

On Monday Miss Ransom will be at the Classroom door to welcome you at 8:40am. She will give you a squirt of hand sanitiser and then Mrs Vale Guerreiro will show you where to put your coat and lunchbox and where your drawer is . Then you can have a play with some of the activities on the tables and carpet with your friends before we do the register. The carpet has got spots on it now so you'll have your own spot to sit on when it's carpet time ! Don't worry if you forget where things are or what to do to begin with we will help you and you will soon get used to your new classroom.

Can you remember what colour chairs we have in Anning Class ? And can you remember what our new topic will be ? Here are some clues:



There is more information for Parents at the top of the page in the Parent's Letters Section so ask your Mums and Dads to have a look ! Hope you all have a great weekend and we look forward to seeing you on Monday !

See you soon,

Mrs Collins


Week 7 ( Starting 13th July)

Here we are in the last week of the Term ! First of all I would like to say how lovely it was to see some of Anning Class back at School last week. ( Photos below this message). We had lots of fun and found that lots of things in School are still exactly the same including Mrs Collins' messy desk and Mr Clarke's awful jokes ! We got to meet and ask questions to Mrs Moore and Mrs Ford our Year 2 Teachers. Mrs V-G and Mrs Collins were very sad to say goodbye to such a fabulous class and would like to say an enormous thank you for all the amazing gifts, messages and cards we received. We are very lucky to have had the best class of children and parents during this very different year. Thank you so much for your kindness and support. You all did a brilliant job as Home Teachers and Learners as I know that it was difficult and challenging at times.We will miss you greatly but hope that you will keep in touch and please let us know if we can support you in anyway during the Summer break. I will keep an eye of emails so any problems or worries please contact me.

There is one last timetable and additional notes and resources in the Home School Section ( Rainbow icon and then click on the timetable icon) ! Have a go at some of the activities if you can and remember you can pick up all the worksheets in a pack by the School Office.

Take care of yourselves and families, have fun in the sun, stay safe and keep smiling !

Mrs Collins

Week 6 ( Starting 6th July)

An exciting week this week as some of you will be coming back to School ! I am really looking forward to seeing some of you. If you are unable to make it Mrs Collins and Mrs V-G will be coming to visit you before the Summer Holidays you lucky things !! I have still made a timetable of work and activities for this week though for those who will be at home or for the days when you are not in School. The work is different to the work we will be doing in School so you can pick and choose what you do when you are at Home. The theme this week is The Seaside. Please find the new timetable and additional notes and resources in the Home Learning School Closure Section ( Rainbow Icon)  by clicking on the Clipboard Icon. All worksheets have been printed out and made into packs for anyone who would like to pick them up from the Year 1 by the School Office.

I hope everyone has a great week and if there are any problems or worries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Can I just say once more how wonderful Anning Class have been during this difficult time. I really do appreciate how difficult it has been to try and Home School for such a long time especially when you have other children/family members to look after and your own jobs too. You have all done an amazing job juggling everything ( I know there have been good days and tearing your hair out days!) so a great big thank you from the Year 1 Team.

Mrs Collins

Week 5 (starting 29th June)

I hope everyone has had a good week. I saw some fantastic work last week so thank you all for working so hard. This week we have a new Purple Mash story called 'Anna's Sports Day'. In Numeracy we are revising the maths topic shape and symmetry. We will be thinking about rubbish and recycling in Science and will be learning about a new artist called Jean Metzinger in Art. I hope you enjoy the activities on the time table this week. All the resources and additional notes are below the timetable. Paper copies of all the worksheets can be collected from outside the School Office. Please drop me an email if there are any questions or I can help you in anyway.

I am looking forward to seeing some of you soon !

Hope you all have a great week,

Keep smiling !

Mrs Collins

Week 4 ( Starting 22nd June)

Hope everyone has had a good weekend. You all did more brilliant work last week and I hope you will enjoy the work on this week's timetable. Additional resources and notes and ideas are all in the Timetable section of the School Closure/Home School Section of our Class page ( Rainbow icon). Remember these are just suggestions. There are printed copies of all this week's worksheets in the Year 1 tray outside the School Office. Plus sticker charts if you want to try and win a prize from Mrs Collins for working hard for your Mums and Dads ! 

You have all been sending me some amazing pictures and videos of the activities you have been doing at home and so I have updated our Anning Class School Closure Photo Section ( Sunflower icon) above. Take a look to spot some of your friends and see what they have been up to.

Hope you all have a great week. Please let me know if I can help you in anyway !

Take care of each other and keep having fun !

Mrs Collins 

Week 3 (starting 15th June) Update !!!

Apart from the mental health resources below I also appreciate that Home Schooling is really difficult and that motivating some children to partake in such activities as reading and writing is sometimes a challenge ! Please remember you do not have to do the activities set on the timetable.If a child has a particular interest then follow that interest and read about it and write about it. For example if it's motorbikes perhaps you could search the internet for some information about motorbikes that they could read, label a picture of a motorbike ( using their phonic sounds to sound out the words), write 5 facts about motorbikes, describe a motorbike using adjectives, write some questions they would like to find out about motorbikes, write a story about a motorbike that has magical powers and write the answers to some questions about motorbikes. If you need help with ideas or resources about a particular topic then email me or leave a message in the school office and I will happily gather some resources and ideas for you.

For something different...

The Literacy Shed website has lots of free video clips and activity packs to try.  There are KS 1 activity packs to go with the stories and there are reading comprehension packs coming soon.

It may be that your child may just need some motivation so I have attached below some reward charts.You may like to use one with your child so that whenever they do some writing or reading they get a sticker or smiley face. When the reward chart is full either bring it to the school office for me or email me a photo of it and I will personally deliver a prize ! ( not sure if that will be an incentive or not !!!). I have put some copies of the reward charts by the office too if you would like to collect one.

Sticker Charts

Week 3  (starting 15th June)

Another great week of home learning by you all ! Well done ! This week we are going to use another traditional tale, Goldilocks and the Three Bears to base some of our literacy work on. In Numeracy we will be learning all about money and continuing with our work about Everyday Materials in Science. This week's artist is Vincent Van Gogh so we will be looking at some of his work and trying to paint in his style. Hopefully the weather will improve so we can continue having an outdoor learning lesson. Remember there are paper copies of the worksheets needed for this week's learning for you to pick up by the School Office. Please just help yourself.

As the weeks go by it becomes increasingly important to look after everyone's mental health . Below are some stories and ideas which may be of use to you all. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to support you in any way.


Week 2 (starting 8th June)

I've seen some great work this week from you all. A big well done ! I have updated the School Closure Photo Gallery ( the sunflower icon above) as I've had so many photos of all your hard work. There is a new timetable and additional notes and resources in the Home /School Learning part of our class page ( the rainbow icon).

I have printed out some packs of the sheets needed for this weeks timetable and left the packs by the School Office to pick up if needed. I will do this every week from now on.

I will be teaching in school from Monday- Thursday every week now so please excuse me if my replies to emails,questions and the marking of work is a bit slower than it has been.

Thank you all for the fantastic job you are all doing with Home Learning. Please keep remembering that the timetable is only a suggestion and that every ones well being is the most important thing during these challenging times.

Do email if there is anything I can help you with or do for you.

Take care and keep smiling,

Mrs Collins

Week 1 ( starting 1st June)

I hope you've all had a wonderful half term holiday and have been enjoying the glorious weather we are so lucky to have at the moment. It really has made a big difference having the sun shining everyday. I hope everyone is keeping well and safe too. We are now starting Term 6 and are continuing with art as our main topic. This time though we will be looking at Landscapes and Cityscapes and at some new artists work and styles. In Science we also have a new topic called 'Everyday Materials' and we will be learning about different materials and their properties and uses. There are lots of links to recycling too. In Numeracy we will continue with work from the White Rose website and will be revising measures, multiplication and division,place value and fractions and time.  I would also like to do some work on money as we have not covered this topic yet. Time and money are great topics to practise at home. I know lots of you have learned to ride your bikes recently so can you learn how to tell the time and use money before we return to school?! In Literacy we will continue to practise our basic writing,grammar,spelling ,phonics and reading skills.

I have set a new timetable in the Home/School Closure ( rainbow) section of our class page. Click on the clipboard icon to find the current timetable and very important additional notes and resources to go with it. I have tried to give a selection of different ideas that don't always rely on Purple Mash so if you are having difficulty with technology please still have a look at the timetable and try some of the paper and pencil activities.

Please also remember these are only suggestions of activities so please just do your own thing that suits you and your child ! I know that some of you will be returning to work which is going to make Home Learning even more of a challenge so please do not put pressure on yourselves to try and do everything.You are all amazing. When we do return to school we will pick up where we left off and just carry on ! If there is anything I can help you with please email me and I will get back to you as soon as possible. I still have everything crossed that we will be back together soon and will keep you updated of any developments !

I thought you might like to see what some of your friends have been up to so have created a new section at the top of this page with a sunflower icon. Here I thought I would share with you some of photos and videos you have been sending me. Have a look ! I will try to keep updating it. Apologies .. I haven't managed to put absolutely everything you have sent me on there.

A big thank you to Mrs V-G who has been doing the rounds and delivering a well deserved treat to you all. She has really enjoyed seeing you and tells me that Anning Class are still amazing, fantastic,super dooper, fabulous and brilliant as they always have been ! I knew you would be ! Keep it up and keep smiling and having fun in the sun !

Mrs Collins


Term 5

Half Term 25th May - 31st May

Well done everyone for working so hard throughout Term 5. I know it has been challenging but you've all done brilliantly so it's now time for a very well deserved break during half term. The weather forecast is looking good so hopefully there'll be lots of chances to get outside and have some fun. I will post a new timetable for the start of Term 6( week beginning 1st June)  at the end of the Half Term holiday.

Have lots of fun, keep smiling and stay safe,

Mrs Collins

Week 5 (Starting 18th May)

Another week of fantastic hard work from Anning Class! You just get better and better ! Well done everyone ! And yes Mums and Dads that definitely includes you ! This is the last week of term and then everyone can have a very well deserved Half Term holiday and a break from Home Learning !

I have posted the new timetable and essential additional notes in the Home School Learning part of this page ( Rainbow icon, then Clipboard icon). Don't forget if you are using Purple Mash to check to see if I have given you any rewards for the wonderful work you have been doing. Click on the gold trophy at the top of your page to see.

Please let me know if you have any problems with it and please remember all activities are just suggestions. Don't forget to email me if there is anything I can help you with and remember I love to see pieces of work and photos of things you have been doing ( doesn't have to be related to the timetable !).

Hope the sun shines again this week and that everyone has a brilliant half term holiday.

Keep smiling and stay safe !

Mrs Collins

Week 4 ( starting 11th May)

Hope you've all had a great Bank Holiday Weekend after all the hard work I saw you doing last week. Well done Anning Class you are doing such a great job with your Home Learning. There is a new timetable with the very important additional notes and resources in the School Closure/Home Learning ( rainbow) section at the top of this page... click on the clipboard icon when you get there. Mrs Tierney has done another one of her fantastic phonic videos and these are really worth watching and practising the reading activities she gives ( everyone should have a look not just those children who are in Mrs Tierney's Groups.)

Remember the timetable is just a suggestion and I know some of you are finding other resources and ideas to use which is great too. Use whatever works for you and your child.

As always if you have any questions or if there is anything I can help you with please email me.

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe.

Keep smiling and I hope you all have a good week.

Mrs Collins

Week 3 ( starting 4th May)

Well done !

Another fantastic week of home learning by all of you. Anning Class you are brilliant ! You are all working so hard. 

There is a new message on the Class Blog on Purple Mash too. Next week apart from commenting on your work I will be giving out some rewards for excellent work on Purple Mash so look out for those !

Remember that you can use any home learning resources that suit you and your child and lots of activities can be done just with a piece of paper and a pencil.

It is a Bank Holiday on Friday ! I have set work for Friday for  those who want it but if you prefer to have a Bank Holiday break that is fine too. Let's hope it's a sunnier week!

Don't forget to send me an email if there is anything I can help or support you with. I have seen lots of photos of you working hard and doing fun activities at home so thank you for those. They always brighten my day !

The new timetable and additional notes will appear later today in the school closure/home learning section ( Rainbow).

Take care everyone and I hope you all have a lovely weekend.


Week 2 (starting 27th April)

Firstly, I hope everyone is managing to keep healthy , happy and busy ! Week 1 of the Summer Term is nearly at an end and lots of you have been using Purple Mash to do some home learning. The children's work I have seen so far has been brilliant and I've really enjoyed reading their messages and blogs and being able to comment back. Very well done to Parents and Children for adapting so quickly to this form of learning. I know it has been a steep learning curve for me !


It does though bring with it some challenges and I know that online learning is not  easy to access for all so I have tried to include some alternative ( pen and paper ) activities in next week's timetable. Also ,please remember that you do not have to follow the timetable and are welcome to do other activities. Do what works for you and your family. The main thing is to keep happy and safe at this time and not to create more stress.


I have set up a class log in for Oxford Owl so you don't have to set up your own. On this website are lots of e-books for the children to read which are very similar to the reading books we have in school. Username : brentry  Password : Anning. 


This week, BBC Bitesize and Oak National Academy have both started to produce daily lessons for all year groups. There may be ideas of activities on these websites that inspire your child so worth having a look.


If you do have any activities that you have done please take photos and share either by sending to my email address or by posting them on the Purple Mash Class Blog.


Next week's timetable will appear by the end of Friday 24th April in the School Closure section of the Class page. I have again written extra daily notes to hopefully guide you through each day ! If there is anything you need help or support with please email me and I will get back to you as soon as I can.

Glad the sun is still shining on us all. 

Take care and keep smiling !

Mrs Collins

Week 1 ( starting 20th April)
I hope everyone had a lovely Easter break and managed to eat lots of chocolate ! I hope too that everyone is staying well.Term 5 is about to start and we are going to be setting a weekly timetable of activities to do mainly using Purple Mash, White Rose Maths, Twinkl and PhonicsPlay. The timetable will appear every Friday ( starting on 17th April) in readiness for the following week. You will find it in the Home Learning Section ( the rainbow icon) at the top of this page. I will also write some additional notes for each day that hopefully will explain more about each days learning. I must stress that these are just suggested activities and there is no pressure to do them. As I have said before there are many different pressures on us all at the moment and the main task is to make sure as families we are keeping well ( both physically and mentally) and safe. If some reading,writing and basic maths work can be ticking along during this time then that is fantastic but no pressure to do the activities on the timetable. It is there if you want it. Please feel free to do other activities instead if you prefer. I have seen some great activities already being done by lots of you that are far more creative and linked to life skills than anything that can be set by a computer so please, please carry on with those. Remember activities like helping around the house and garden, model making, cooking, playing board games, researching about something that really interests your child, learning to tie shoe laces or setting another goal to reach are all educational and will further your child's development.

Our new topic would usually be art based this term and is called Colour Chaos. It is all about using colour in our artwork from learning about the primary colours and mixing them to make new colours (secondary colours) and making shades of colour. It is also learning about different artists and their styles and trying to make some art in that style. This is obviously going to be a challenge to do during home learning so I will give some ideas to do each week but please do not worry if they are not possible to do. 

In Literacy in Term 5 we would be continuing to learn and practise our Phase 2-5 phonic sounds, continue to learn to read and spell our tricky words, write a weekly diary about a seed we would have planted, read the traditional tale 'Jack and the Beanstalk', learnt to retell the story and written our own versions of the tale.

In Numeracy, we would be starting new topics of multiplication and division ( making equal groups, counting in 2's,5's and 10's and sharing into groups), fractions ( finding halves and quarters of shapes and objects) and geometry ( describing the position and direction of turns).

In Science , our topic would have been Plants. We would have planted broad bean seeds and observed their growth,identified wild and garden plants, trees, learnt the different parts of a plant and what they are used for and learnt how plants grow.

Some of these activities will be set on the weekly timetable over the coming weeks.

Please remember that if you have any questions, need any help about anything or would like to share what you have been up to please contact me and I will get back to you. A reminder of my email:

Keep safe, take care and let's hope the sun continues to shine on us all !

Term 4

I hope everyone is OK at the end of another week. Don't forget to email me if you need any help or support about anything ( it doesn't have to be educational !) and I will get back to you. I am hoping that everyone has managed to pick up the letter about home learning after the Easter Holidays. I can deliver any that are still at school next week. I will be posting a weekly timetable and extra ideas of activities to do from the 17th April. Click on the rainbow icon (School Closure/Home Learning) at the top of this page to find it as well as other online resources. It is officially the start of the Easter Holidays so do have a break from Home Learning. I'm sure both children and parents could do with one !

Hopefully the weather will continue to be kind to us and we can keep being active in the fresh air. Or inside don't forget Joe Wicks and Cosmic Yoga.

To keep reading going I have added a link to a website called Oxford Owl in the School Closure /Home Learning area ( rainbow icon at top of page) . This website has lots of free e -books that are the same as the reading scheme books we have in school so the children can keep practising their reading over the holidays. Look at the books for children aged 5-6 but also look at lower and higher age ranges if needed.

There are lots of nice Easter crafty ideas on Twinkl too if you want to get creative in the holidays. Other activities: Design a vehicle to transport an egg across the room ( making sure it doesn't break !) , design a new Easter Egg ( think of the flavours,shape, surprises inside, packaging, name ), make an Easter card to send / give to someone in the family,make some chocolate nest cakes, write a story about the Easter Bunny, design a treasure hunt in the garden with clues, paint some hard boiled eggs, design an obstacle course in the garden to do an egg and spoon race across and best of all eat lots of Easter Eggs !

Take care everyone and have a Happy Easter !

Week 2

I hope everyone is keeping well and safe. I have loved seeing  photos of the wonderful activities and home learning you are doing with your families. You are a very creative bunch !

I hope everyone has found the home learning pack useful and I know there are many free resources out there that can be accessed on-line. Don't forget to look at the rainbow icon at the top of this page for some ideas.

If some writing, reading and numeracy work can be done each day then you are doing really well ! Short bursts of half an hour at a time are all that can be expected and I know this may be hard especially if you are working from home and /or looking after other children.

Don't forget that a game of football or bouncing on the trampolene is PE ( we can't all be Joe Wicks!), doing some cooking  covers numeracy ( weight/capacity),literacy ( reading and following instructions) and science ( liquids and solids, healthy eating), building a lego model is design technology, talking about Easter and why and how we celebrate it is RE, watching a documentary programme on CBEEBIES can teach children about history , geography, art or science, doing a jigsaw is problem solving,playing a game teaches about PSHE ( taking turns, being resilient and learning to lose !).

All of these type of activities are learning so don't feel your child needs to be sat at a table for two hours a day. They probably won't want to and you'll be reaching for a Mummy or Daddy type of drink ! 

If a child has a special interest do a little project on that topic whether it's mini beasts, dragons or football. If you type a topic into Twinkl it usually has some resources about that subject.

For those who are interested these  are some of the activities we would have covered if we had been in school this week but please do not feel they all need to be attempted ! They are just ideas for those who want them.

Numeracy- counting in groups of 5 ( and keep revising counting in 2's and 10's) , toys/bricks could be arranged in groups of 5's and counted.


Looking at how we measure capacity and the units of millilitres (ml) and litres ( l). Some practical measuring of liquids in the kitchen/garden with a measuring jug or looking at bottles in the kitchen and seeing how many litres/millilitres they hold and ordering them in size.

In literacy,we had been reading a story called George and the Dragon and the children were going to write the story themselves. Can the children read a familiar story and then write their own version ?

In Phonics we would have been learning these sounds: wh,ph,ew,oe,au and ey.

Spellings - continued practise of the Year 1 Common Exception Words ( tricky words) and for those who know those Year 2 Common Exception Words.

In Geography, as part of our topic 'Our Country', we were  finding out about our capital city London and comparing it to Brasilia ( capital city of Brazil). Twinkl : Search Year 1 'Our Country' Lesson Pack 5 and 6.

Other activities were- making an Easter card in Art, talking about Easter and the Easter story in RE, learning about staying safe in the sun as part of our science topic on weather, balancing in PE and keeping our bodies healthy in PSHE.

I hope the sun continues to shine and that everyone takes care of themselves during this tricky time. If you have any questions please email me. There are lots of photos of the children if you scroll down which may be something to look at and talk about if they are missing their friends.

Best wishes,

Mrs C


Friday 13th March           Sports Relief Day

Today we raised money for Sports Relief by dressing up as our favourite sports or sports person. We talked about our sports clothes and the sports activities we enjoy doing. We have some very talented pupils in Anning Class ! Here we are looking sporty !


English Week

What an exciting, fun and action packed week we've had!

On Tuesday morning we invited our parents in to our classroom to read with us. We enjoyed sharing books together and reading to each other. 

After school on Wednesday we returned at bedtime for a bedtime story. We compared pyjamas and cuddlies and then made ourselves comfy and enjoyed some great stories. Before we went home we sipped on some hot chocolate and nibbled some cookies.

World Book Day was on Thursday and we came to school dressed as our favourite book characters. Mrs Collins thought our costumes were fantastic! We showed, talked and wrote about our costumes in class and then went to assembly to see everyone else's costumes. 

Before lunch the teachers swapped classes and Mrs Irwin came to read us a story. She read us Burglar Bill which is her favourite story and also the character that Mrs Collins came dressed as!

In the afternoon we had a Book Swap in the hall. This was run by the School Council and was a great success. The children came away happy with a new book to take home to read.

At the end of a busy day we enjoyed a Big Read in the Hall with our families.

On Friday we invited parents in to class to watch a reading lesson. We showed them how we learn about phonics to help us read and also how we use VIPERS to help us understand about what we have read. The parents joined in with our lesson too ! It was lovely to be able to share our learning with them.
Finally, on Friday afternoon we visited Henbury Library. Annie, the Librarian, talked about all of the activities we could do in the Library and explained how the books were organised. We found out where the fiction and non-fiction books were kept and then were shown around the rest of the library. Before we went back to school we were able to read some of the books.

1st March St David's Day.

In our geography topic of Our Country we have been learning about Wales and the celebration of St . David's Day. We made some daffodils - the national emblem of Wales and learnt about the Welsh Flag.

Friday 28th February.

Today Kieran, from Gloucestershire Cricket Club, gave Anning Class a cricket workshop. We played some really fun warm up games with a partner and then we practised our throwing and catching skills. We had a great time as well as learning some of the skills needed to play cricket.


Term 4.

Welcome back and I hope you all had a happy half term ! 

This term our geography based topic is 'Our Country'. We will be learning about the countries belonging to the United Kingdom and their capital cities. We will also be looking at the differences between the city and countryside and comparing London to Brasilia the capital of Brazil. 

In Science, our topic is Seasonal Changes focussing on the changes we see from now through to Spring and Summer so lots of field work outside hopefully.

We have a section called Knowledge Organisers at the top of our class page where you will find more information about our Geography and Science topics.

In Literacy ,we will be learning and revising our Phase 5 sounds. These have been sent home with a weekly timetable of sounds we will be focussing on. A copy of this can be found in the phonics section of this class page. Our Class book will be George and the Dragon . We will be doing lots of VIPERS and Talk for Writing work on this story. We will continue to have weekly spelling tests on a Friday. Our English Week will take place the week beginning 2nd March so there will be lots of activities that week including dressing up on World Book Day, Bedtime stories, Family read and parents invited to watch a VIPERS lesson.

During Numeracy lessons we will be continuing our work on Number and place value up to 50 as well as work on Measurement ( Length and Height and Weight and Volume).

We will continue to have French lessons with Madame Harvey every fortnight as well as lessons in Music ( Pitch), ICT( Programming Toys), RE ( Celebrating Special Times), PSHE (Healthy Me) and P.E ( Ball Skills and Balancing with a Partner).

Looking forward to another action packed and fun term of learning! 

Please come and see the Year 1 team if you have any questions.

Wednesday 22nd January

This afternoon Madame Harvey came to teach us some French. First we studied a map of France and then Madame Harvey taught us how to greet each other in French and to ask how we were. We really enjoyed learning a new language and are looking forward to more Wednesday afternoons with Madame Harvey.

Tuesday 21st January

As part of our geography topic about 'Our School' we made some 'Messy Maps' of our classroom. We used resources from our classroom to make our maps. We thought carefully about where everything was in our classroom, what shape it was and the size of it. We had to work collaboratively with a friend as this is part of our P.S.H.E work this term too.


Tuesday 14th January

In P.E today we made a journey from one side of the hall to the other. We had to cross an obstacle course to get there. Afterwards we drew a picture of the course and had to remember the order of the course. We talked about how maps are drawn and what a bird's eye view was. We then drew a map of our journey from one side of the hall to the other. It looked very different to our pictures.


Happy New Year !

I hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break and will have a happy and healthy New Year !

Welcome back to Anning Class. During Term 3 and 4 our topics are geography based. In Term 3 our topic will be 'Our School' and in Term 4 it will be 'Our Country'.

During the topic of 'Our School' we will be studying our classroom, school and our journeys to school. We will be learning about map making and map symbols, the 4 points of a compass and using photos and maps to find out about our local area.

We will also be learning about animals ( including humans) in our Science lessons this term.

We will continue with our work on addition and subtraction in Maths and learn about place value up to 50 as well as multiples of 2,5 and 10.

In Phonics we will be learning/revising Phase 4 and 5 sounds. There will be lots of opportunities to practise our reading too so please can children have their reading books everyday!

P.E is still on a Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

Looking forward to lots of fun learning in Term 3!

Please remember to pop in and see the Year 1 Team if you have any questions.

Thursday 4th December

Today the local church came to tell us the Nativity story. They let us dress up in costumes and act out the story as they told it to us. This really brought the story to life and we enjoyed acting and dressing up as all the different characters.


Wednesday 20th November

This week we have been comparing our toys with the toys our parents used to play with. We sent our Mums and Dads some homework to do! We thought of some questions we would like to ask them about their toys. They did very well and we were able to find out lots about toys and games in the past. We also found that our Mums and Dads enjoyed some of the same books that we like to read today too like Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Winnie-the-Pooh, Elmer the Elephant and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Here are some photos of us with our parent's old toys.

Tuesday 12th November

Odd Socks Day

Today as part of Anti Bullying Week we wore odd socks to school.We talked about how we are all different,just like our socks, and that is a good thing which we should be proud of.

Wednesday 22nd October.

Today was a beautiful sunny Autumn day.We went outside to look at the seasonal changes happening in our school environment and to use some natural resources to make some art pieces. We observed lots of changes going on such as the leaves changing colours and falling from the trees , berries turning red and the animals busy storing food for the Winter. As we walked around the school grounds we collected natural resources and at the end of our walk made some art from our collections with our friends. Mrs Collins loved our art work and took some pictures.We hope you like them.

Monday 14th October

This afternoon Mrs V-G came in with a letter and parcel that had been delivered to school. It was for Anning Class and was from the British Museum. The Museum said that it had heard that Anning Class were brilliant palaeontologists and wondered if we could help them. They sent us 16 pieces of coprolite ( dinosaur poo !) to investigate. By opening the coprolite and observing what was inside the Museum hoped we would be able to tell them whether the coprolite was from a dinosaur that was a carnivore or a herbivore.

We set to work straight away investigating. We recorded our results and will send them off to the Museum !

Monday 7th October

In our science lesson to day we made some dinosaur slime ! As scientists we had to measure carefully the cornflour on some scales and the water in a measuring jug. We learnt some scientific words : solids and liquids. We observed what happened when they were  mixed together. Finally, we recorded what we had found out.

Tuesday 1st October

Class Trip to the Museum

Today as part of our History Topic about Mary Anning we went to the Museum and took part in a Dinosaur Discovery Workshop. When we arrived we went into a special room and Jenny from the Museum talked to us about the fossils,bones and dinosaurs at the Museum. She then gave us four activities to do. During the activities we learnt some more about Mary Anning and her fossil finds, learnt about what Bristol looked like millions of years ago, found out about how we know what dinosaurs ate and found out about the work of paleontologists. We learnt lots of new things.

After lunch we had time to look around the rest of the Museum. We loved looking at the fossils, gems and dinosaur bones and skeletons. We even found a picture of Mary Anning in the Museum.

On the way home we stopped at Brunel's Suspension Bridge and had a walk to see The Avon Gorge where remains of the Bristol Dinosaur,Thecondontosaurus ( Theco for short !) were found.

Mrs Collins said she was very proud of us for sharing our knowledge and learning lots of new things about our topic at the Museum and for our excellent behaviour.

Wednesday 25th September 2019


WOW ! We have had a very exciting afternoon ! We have been fossil hunters just like Mary Anning. We carefully searched in the soil and found so many different 'curiosities'. We found fossils ( ammonites and trilobites), dinosaur bones,teeth and claws, gems and rocks. We carefully brushed clean our finds so as not to damage them and took them back to the classroom. Tomorrow we will study them more carefully and draw and write about them just like Mary Anning did 220 years ago. We may have to send them off to the museum so they can look at them.

We have had a great afternoon !

Friday 20th September

The children have settled really well into Year 1 and have been working really hard. In Science we have been investigating Forces. We made models with playdoh describing the types of forces we used on the playdoh to change it's shape. We had lots of fun as well as learning how a force can make a change.

After a pirate themed P.E lesson some children made treasure maps at home. As the sun was shining this week we went out into the school grounds to follow one of the maps. It was quite an adventure! We had to trudge through a swamp,climb over a bridge, swim through a river, run through volcanoes, climb a mountain and slide down the other side before finally arriving at a forest where X marked the spot ! We were very excited when all our hard work paid off and we found some TREASURE !!


Welcome to Year 1 Anning Class.

Thursday 5th September 2019

It was a real treat to meet our new Year 1 children today. They settled back to school beautifully and did some amazing writing about their Summer holidays. We have a lovely new classroom and school to work in this year so we are very excited.

We have started to give out new reading books and aim for every child to have a book by the end of tomorrow. There is a drop box just inside the classroom door where children can put their reading books and reading record books  when they have finished them . We will change their books by the end of the day. Please read with your child as often as you can as it will make a big difference to their progress. Of course it doesn't have to be you it could be a grandparent, auntie/uncle , an older brother or sister or even the dog !

P.E days are Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. We start P.E at 9:10am on Thursday mornings so the children will need to come to school dressed in their P.E kits ready and bring their school uniform in their PE bag to change into afterwards. We do not do Welly Wednesday in Year 1.

The children looked so smart in their new uniform today so please make sure it is all labelled as when it gets lost it is much easier to find and give back to the right owner.

A water bottle is also important. Even when the weather turns cooler water is really good for the brain and we will encourage the children to drink lots. Their own water is much more hygienic than sharing a cup with others. We have brand new water fountains in the playgrounds too.

Please do come and see us if you have any concerns or worries about your child or if there is anything you are unsure of. We are a friendly team and would rather know if there are any problems so we can solve them. Also, if there is any information you feel it would be useful for us to know please come and share with us. Please bear in mind though that the start of the day when the children are coming into the classroom and leaving it at the end of the day are particularly busy times for the staff. It is best if we arrange a meeting with you at a convenient time when we can give you our full attention. 

Back to School meetings will take place next week so I look forward to giving you more information and meeting you then.

Here are some photos of Anning Classroom ! 

Mrs Collins

Year 1 Class Teacher

Last Year !

End of Year Treat !


As a special treat for working so hard all year Chaplin Class went to play at Blaise yesterday. We walked there with Monet Class. First, we had lots of fun  in the playground. We got very dizzy on the roundabout, swung high on the swings, bumped up and down on the see-saw and played in the sandpit on the pirate ship. Then we cooled down with a delicious ice lolly ! Before walking back to Brentry we had another play in the big playground where we zoomed on the zip wire , climbed up the spider's web and came down the wiggly slide. We all enjoyed our special morning out.

Reading Buddies

 After lunch our friends from Year 6 have been coming to Chaplin Class to listen to us read this week. Our new Reading Buddies write a comment in our reading record books and then read a story to us. We will continue to do this three times a week until the end of term.  Thank you Year 6 children for helping your younger friends as you near the end of your journey at Brentry.  

Tuesday 11th June  

Puxton Park Trip

Today we visited Puxton Park with Brunel Class. We had lots of fun even though it rained for most of the day !


First, we met Farmer Macauley who told us about the animals on the farm and where some of our food comes from. We were allowed to stroke the guinea pigs and rabbits in the Pets Corner. We also met some tortoises and birds. Then, Farmer Macauley showed us the big farm animals. We saw some cheeky sheep and some very friendly calves. We were able to tell Farmer Macauley all about hens as we are experts with having our own Brentry chickens. We loved the piglets who were being fed by their Mum. After that Farmer Macauley took us for a ride around the Farm on a very bumpy tractor ride. We saw the cows in the milking shed.

Next , we ate our lunch and had a well deserved break. As it was still raining we played inside on the soft play equipment for the afternoon until it was time to go home. Lots of us were brave enough to go down the wavey rainbow slide. Mrs Collins wasn't ! Finally, it was time to get back on the coach and return to Brentry. We all enjoyed our day and a big thank you to Mrs. Tucker, Mrs V-G , Miss Moore and Mrs Ransom ( Jean) who came with us.


This week we have been learning about the environment through science and art.

On Monday we went outside and did a scavenger hunt with Miss Millard, looked for bugs with Mrs Moore and identified the trees on our field with Mrs Collins.

On Tuesday we were very lucky to have a Forest Schools Session.We walked up to our wildlife area collecting 'natural treasure' on the way. We used our senses to look at the trees,flowers and grasses on our walk. Once we got to the wildlife area Vicky, our Forest Schools teacher,showed us how to whittle a stick with a potato peeler. We made a sharp point at the end of a stick and then stuck a marshmallow on the end. We watched Vicky make a fire and then we were able to toast our marshmallows. They tasted delicious ! We also were allowed to do some pond dipping, go digging for bugs, make some natural potions and build dens. We loved being outside and learning. Thank you Mrs Moore for organising it and to POMs for paying for Forest Schools to come to Brentry.

On Friday it was Art Day! We continued with our environmental theme. First we went to visit Miss Millard in Brunel Class. She taught us about the importance of honey bees and we made some pictures of bees and hives using paint and our fingers. Next, we went to see Mrs Ford in Monet Class. She told us about the Continents of the World and we made a map of the World on a paper plate. Finally, we came back to our own classroom where Mrs Collins talked to us about recycling. We used collage to decorate the recycling symbol and visited the 'glitter station' to put a bit of sparkle on our art work. We all agreed we had a fun day and produced some fabulous pieces of art!


Wow ! What an end to Term 5 ! We were really excited to welcome MOJO ACTIVE to Brentry on the last day of term. They brought with them a huge climbing wall and an obstacle course. We had a whole school warm up led by Miss Millard and her Year 6 helpers. After that we took turns to complete the obstacle course and attempt to climb the wall. We were amazing at climbing and Mrs Collins said we were really brave. Everybody had a go and a special mention must go to Alfie, Charley, Mayson and Logan who all managed to climb right to the top and ring the bell!

A big thank you to Miss Millard and Mrs Jack for arranging a great day.

Jack and The Beanstalk

We have had fun learning our class story this term. We became really good at retelling the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with actions. We sequenced the story and drew story maps. We thought about questions we would like to ask Jack and the Giant. Finally, we wrote our own stories BUT we changed some of the parts of the story !! We chose a different character instead of Jack, changed the giant, the castle and the hen that laid a golden egg. Mrs Collins loved reading our adapted stories. They were very original !

In Science, we grew our very own beanstalks. Good luck now you have taken them home. We would love to see any beans you may get from them or any golden eggs you find at the top of the beanstalk!


Mental Health Awareness Week

This week we have been thinking about our mental health. We have been thinking about the different emotions we sometimes feel and how we can help ourselves and others when we are not feeling happy. Some of us have bought green ribbons from Year 5 this week to remind ourselves that our mental health is important.The money raised will go to a charity called MIND. On Friday we wore green clothes too ! Here we are looking green !


Summer Term !

We hope you all had a great Easter break and ate lots of chocolate ! Wow ! It's the Summer Term already! Hopefully the sun will begin to shine and we will be able to get outside more this term. Our topic in Term 5 and 6 is called 'Let the Brush see the Paint' and it is an art based topic. We will be looking at the work of two artists Piet Mondrian and Wassily Kandinsky and trying to paint in their style. We will also be studying Plants and Materials in Science and looking at Victorian toys in History.Our Class story will be Jack and the Beanstalk and we will be doing some non fiction writing too. We also have lots of fun activities that take place in the Summer like Sports Day and our Class Trip. Fun, Fun, Fun !

Virtual Museum Spring Term

Welcome to our Virtual Museum for the Spring Term. Most of the activities we have been doing you can see already if you scroll down this page but here are a few more photos of the activities we have been enjoying this term.

Our Topic about Castles was great fun. We learnt about the different parts of a castle and their tricky names like battlements, portcullis, drawbridge and moat.
We made flags for our class castle and designed shields. We learnt all abouts knights and how they were protected in armour. They all looked the same especially when their visors were down so needed a special shield to show who they were. Here are our shields on display in the classroom.
We learnt to tell our class story George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. We made up some actions to help us remember the words. We were great story tellers! We then sequenced the main parts of the story and drew story maps before we wrote the story ourselves. You are welcome to come and read them. We are very proud of what we wrote.
Mrs Price made some stained glass windows with us just before Easter. They looked beautiful when we put them up on the window and the sun shone through them.
During the Autumn and Spring Term we have welcomed Madame Harvey into our classroom fortnightly and she has been teaching us some French words and songs. We have really enjoyed  learning a new language and learning about a different country. Madame Harvey will now be going on holiday but we look forward to seeing her again when we are in Year 2. Thank you so much Madame Harvey we have had great fun with you !
On the last day of term we helped Mr Clarke celebrate a big birthday ! We gave him a surprise assembly and saw some funny photos of him when he was much younger and had hair ! He opened some presents and we all had a special cup cake to celebrate.

Friday 14th March

Red Nose Day 

We love dressing up in Chaplin Class and on Friday we were at it again !

This time raising money for Comic Relief. We all wore red and managed to raise £25. Well done everybody !


4th March - 8th March

We have had a brilliant week. We have been so busy and have really enjoyed all our Literacy Week activities as well as learning so much !

On Monday, we visited Henbury Library. We got to meet the Librarian, Lucy, and she told us all about the Library. She gave us some forms so we can all join and choose up to 20 books to borrow. We also found out that we could borrow DVDs, comics, audio books and lots more. We then were able to sit and look at all the fantastic picture books they have and read some stories.

On Wednesday night some children sneaked back to school in their pyjamas for a bedtime story. We all snuggled up to enjoy some stories, talk about our teddy bears, drink hot chocolate and eat ( a few !) cookies before bedtime.
On Thursday, we invited our parents in to see one of our lessons. The lesson was about our new reading comprehension lessons... VIPERS ! Thank you to the parents who joined in with our lesson. We read our class story, 'George and the Dragon' by Chris Wormell. Mrs Collins asked the class lots of comprehension questions about the story. These questions were about the vocabulary in the story and we had to explain some of the parts of the story . She stopped the story half way through and then we had to predict what the dragon was afraid of. We came up with some brilliant answers. Mrs Collins read the rest of the story and asked us even more comprehension questions and then we had to sequence 6 pictures from the story in the correct order because Mrs Collins had got them muddled !At the end of the lesson we had to retrieve ( recall) what George ,the mouse , had eaten at the Castle.

Later that day the parents came back for our Family Read. It was lovely to share books with our Mums,Dads, brothers and sisters. Thank you to our Year 6 pupils for coming to our class and reading stories with us.

On Friday we celebrated World Book Day by dressing up as our favourite book characters. Mrs Collins thought our costumes were super and thanked our parents for all their hard work in making us look like we had all just walked out of the pages of a book, comic or information book. We shared our costumes and saw the other classes costumes in Celebration Assembly in the afternoon.

A great big thank you to Mrs Ochiltree for arranging another fantastic Literacy Week. We all had so much fun and learned loads !


Thursday 7th March 


Today we were allowed a tour of the building site with Mrs Jack and some of the Project Managers. We had to wear special jackets and hard hats. It was really interesting to see what the builders have been up to. We got to see our new classroom for next year when we will be in Year 2. There is still a lot to do but we are very excited about the changes.

Friday 1st March

The Banana Project Nepal. Wear Yellow Day !

Today we all wore yellow ! It looked as if the sun was shining in Chaplin Class all day. We were raising money for the Banana Project in Nepal. We learnt about what Fair Trade means and we all agreed that the banana farmers deserved to be paid a fair amount of money for the hard work they do. This would mean they could afford food and clothes and to be able to send their children to school. Here we all are in our sunshine yellow clothes.Thank you for your donations.We raised £25 in Chaplin Class.

International Week 11th February -15th February

We have had great fun this week learning about different countries. We have learnt how to say good morning in a different language each day, found out about Valentine's Day around the World and had an 'Around the World ' Day where we got to visit three other countries. On Friday we dressed up in costumes from around the World. Lots of effort was made and we all looked amazing ! 

In the afternoon, we tasted some delicious foods from around the World. Thank you to Obaa-yaa's Mum for the amazing Ghanian rice. We all wanted more !!

Monday 28th January

Today Para Olympian football player Jack Rutter came to school to do some exercises with us and to give us a motivational talk. We worked really hard to do as many exercises as we could in 4 minutes and asked our family and friends to sponser us. All money raised will go to support Jack Rutter and to buy us some new P.E equipment. Afterwards we listened to Jack talk about his inspirational life story and how if we work hard and believe in ourselves we can achieve our goals just like Jack did. We all enjoyed the challenging exercises and listening to Jack speak. Here are some photos of us in action. They are a bit blurred as we were moving so fast !

Thursday 24th January

Today in Numeracy we took another Smartie Challenge ! This time we were given a small box of Smarties each. We had to sort them into colours and count how many of each colour we had. Then we had to answer questions about our smarties understanding the language: more than, most, least , less than ,fewer than,fewest

It was great fun but the best bit was when we had finished we were allowed to eat the smarties !


Monday 7th January 2019

We hope you had a fantastic holiday and are ready for a new term. This term we have two new topics. For the first half term we are studying 'Our Local Area' and after the Half Term Holiday we will be studying 'Castles'.

During the 'Our Local Area' Topic we will be learning about the United Kingdom, Bristol and our local area of Brentry. We will be looking at maps and making our own.

P.E days will remain on a Tuesday afternoon and a Thursday morning ( so please can children come dressed in their P.E kits on a Thursday).

We are all looking forward to a new term in Chaplin Class and will post more news as the term goes on. Please pop into class if there is anything we can help you with.



Friday 21st December


Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year to you all !


Many thanks for all the cards and generous gifts I , Mrs Tucker and Miss Welsh have received from you. They are very much appreciated and we will all need elasticated waistbands next term !

Here are some photos of Chaplin Class enjoying their Christmas Party on Thursday.I hope you all have a fantastic holiday. See you back here on Monday 7th January 2019.

Virtual Museum


Welcome to Chaplin Class' Virtual Museum.


Chaplin Class have been learning about history that happened millions of years ago. We have been learning about dinosaurs and how we know that they lived on Earth.


We started our investigations by reading the book 'What's Under the Bed' by Mick Manning.


We found that there were lots of things under the ground such as pipes,roots,tunnels,clay, animals,coal, fossils, gems, magma and a hard core in the centre of the earth. We drew our own pictures of what is under the ground.

We saw that special scientists called paleontologists have found evidence that dinosaurs lived on our Earth by looking under the ground and finding dinosaur fossils, teeth and bones.We then went outside to see for ourselves what is under the ground and see if we could find any evidence of dinosaurs ! We did a ...


Here we are outside digging...

Here are some of the things we found..
We decided to write to Bristol Museum to see if they could help us identify what we had found. We knew the fossils were ammonites and trilobites but we weren't sure which dinosaurs the bones were from. Here is one of our letters...
We became experts at dinosaurs and learnt to label the parts of dinosaurs and recognise different dinosaurs.
We became such experts that one day we received a letter from The British Museum in London asking for our help. We needed to investigate 15 pieces of dinosaur poo ( coprolite) and see whether the dinosaur was a herbivore ( a plant eater) or carnivore (meat eater). Here is the letter..
We had a great time looking through the dinosaur poo. Some of us found feathers and meat in the coprolite and some of us found leaves and twigs.
We recorded our investigations for the Museum and told them in our reports whether the coprolite belonged to a herbivore or a carnivore.

We had learnt a lot about dinosaurs and hoped we may one day be as famous as one of the first fossil hunters... MARY ANNING.

Mary lived a long time ago and we enjoyed learning about her life. We wrote about her story. 

We made some ammonites or 'curiosities' which Mary used to call the fossils she found. We used clay to make them. We rolled the clay and twisted it into a spiral shape. We used a pencil to make marks on them.
Mary used to collect her curiosities on the beach at Lyme Regis in a fossil bag. We have designed fossil bags and are currently making them in class. We are sewing them. We will put our fossils in them and take them home at the end of term.
We have read lots of stories about dinosaurs. Our favourite was 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow. We learnt the story in our Talk for Writing lessons. Once we had learnt the story by heart with some actions to help us we wrote story maps and then wrote the story ourselves. Mrs Collins was very proud of our writing.
We have loved our Dinosaur topic. We have learnt a lot of new things and had lots of fun too. Thank you for visiting our Virtual Museum. We hope you have enjoyed seeing some of the work we have done this term. 

Monday 10th December

Thanks to POMs we watched a pantomime this afternoon !. It was 'Dick Whittington' and we all had such a great time. We joined in all the songs and actions. As it was a pantomime of course there was lots of booing at the baddie and "Oh no your not" shouts. The children thought it was brilliant and wanted to see it again ! 



Monday 3rd December.

When we came into Chaplin Class today we spotted an Elf on our whiteboard ! We hope he is going to be good. Mrs Collins took some photos of him when we had gone home. He seems to be enjoying himself in our classroom. We will be writing about his adventures !

Friday 30th November

This week we have been learning our number bonds to 10. To help us do this we have done the SMARTIE  CHALLENGE ! We were each given 10 smarties and we had to make as many different number sentences as we could using our 10 smarties. At the end, we were allowed to eat the smarties. We did our work very quickly so we could get to the eating part of the challenge !!

Friday 16th November

Mrs Collins and Szymon P found out that they had a birthday on the same day so we decided to plan and have a party on Friday afternoon. We decided what we might need for a party and wrote shopping lists. Mrs Collins went shopping. We decorated the classroom and made birthday cards. After playing some party games we shared some party food and sang 'Happy Birthday' before watching Szymon blow out 6 candles on a birthday cake. Unfortunately, we couldn't find enough candles for Mrs Collins' to blow out or a cake big enough to hold them all so she just ate the cake ! It was a lovely end to the week.

Friday 16th November

Today was an exciting day in Chaplin Class. In the morning Eagle Heights came to visit Brentry Primary School. Alan, from Eagle Heights, had brought 4 birds of prey to show us and talk about how they were adapted to catch animals and fish for their food. It was really interesting and amazing when Alan let some of the birds fly over our heads ! What a fantastic experience for us all to be so close to these beautiful birds.

Dinosaur Poo ! 


Today we were sent a letter from The British Museum asking for our help. The Museum had heard we were dinosaur experts. They asked us to investigate some dinosaur poo ( or coprolite) to see if we could identify whether the dinosaur had been a carnivore or herbivore. The Museum sent us 15 pieces of coprolite wrapped in tissue paper. We carefully unwrapped it and broke up the coprolite to see what we could find. Some children found leaves,twigs and flowers in the poo. This must have meant the dinosaur was a herbivore. Some children found meat, feathers and bones in their samples. These dinosaurs must have been carnivores. The children worked very hard and we will send our results back to the Museum.

Monday 12th November

This week it is Anti-Bullying Week. Today we have been wearing odd socks and we have been talking about why it is OK to be different and celebrating our differences. Later this week we will be exploring what makes a good friend in our P.S.H.E. lesson.

Friday 18th October

Harvest Festival

The children in Chaplin Class have been thinking about sharing this week. They have talked about how they kindly share with others. Some share bedrooms with brothers and sisters and some share sweets, toys and books with their friends. As it's Harvest Festival this week we shared some apple pie together. We thought of some great adjectives to describe the pie. Delicious, yummy,scrummy, appley,lush and crumbly ! We also learnt a poem called 'Apple Pie'. We are going to say it at our Harvest Assembly ! Here are some photos of us enjoying our apple pie.

Friday 28th September



Chaplin Class were very excited today to go on a Big Dig ! We were paleontologists for the morning ! We were amazed to find dinosaur bones, fossils, gems, teeth and rocks. It was very exciting. All the children were fantastic at digging carefully and sharing what they had found with their friends. Once we had finished digging we took our finds back to class. We talked about the fossils,bones and gems we had found. Then we made labelled drawings of them so we could record what we had found. We will write to Bristol Museum to tell them about our morning and see if they can help us identify some of the bones and fossils we found. Good work Chaplin Class !

Thursday 6th September 2018

Welcome to Chaplin Class 2018-2019 !

It was a real treat to meet our new Year 1 children today. They settled back to school beautifully and did some amazing writing about their Summer holidays.

We have started to give out new reading books and aim for every child to have a book by the end of tomorrow. There is a drop box just inside the classroom door where children can put their reading books and reading record books  when they have finished them . We will change their books by the end of the day. Please read with your child as often as you can as it will make a big difference to their progress. Of course it doesn't have to be you it could be a grandparent, auntie/uncle , an older brother or sister or even the dog !

P.E days are Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings. We do not do Welly Wednesday in Year 1.

The children looked so smart in their new uniform today please make sure it is all labelled as when it gets lost it is much easier to find and give back to the right owner.

A water bottle is also important. Even when the weather turns cooler water is really good for the brain and we will encourage the children to drink lots. Their own water is much more hygienic than sharing a cup with others.

Please do come and see us if you have any concerns or worries about your child or if there is anything you are unsure of. We are a friendly team and would rather know if there are any problems so we can solve them. Also if there is any information you feel it would be useful for us to know please come and share with us. Please bear in mind though that the start of the day when the children are coming into the classroom and leaving it at the end of the day are particularly busy times for the staff. It is best if we arrange a meeting with you at a convenient time when we can give you our full attention. 

Tomorrow there will be a letter going home with more information about Year 1. Back to School meetings will take place next week so I look forward to giving you more information and meeting you then.

Mrs Collins

Year 1 Class Teacher


Last Year 2017-2018

Friday 15th June

Last week Chaplin Class had a lovely trip to Court Farm with our friends in Brunel Class. The children learnt all about the farm animals and were able to see the cows being milked and helped to feed the very cheeky lambs. The tractor ride was a very bumpy favourite! After a picnic lunch the children enjoyed playing on the wooden fort play equipment. Everone had a great day out. A big thank you to all the helpers on the day and to the children who were so sensible and well behaved. Some members of the public even commented on how wonderful they were ! Well done Chaplin Class.

Friday 4th May

An exciting week this week in Chaplin Class as we had two visitors from our class story Jack and the Beanstalk. We were lucky enough to interview Jack himself and The Giant ! The children wrote questions they wanted to ask the characters the day before they came in. There were some really good questions and some very honest answers from Jack and The Giant. By the end we almost felt sorry for The Giant ! Our characters were brilliantly played by Belle and Mylo.  Thank you Belle and Mylo were amazing !

We also planted some beans which we hope will grow into our very own beanstalks and if we are really lucky maybe there will be some gold coins at the top of them. Watch out for Giants though ! We are writing bean diaries to record their progress.
In numeracy we have started a topic about measuring and have been measuring beanstalks to see how tall they are. Here are some of the children in action !
Of course, important as they are , school life isn't just about numeracy and literacy. Here are some more photos of Chaplin Class studying music, French and P.E. Finally, a class photo of Ethan's last day in Chaplin Class. A very sad day for us all but we hope he is now settling into his new Aussie life, making lots of new friends and enjoying his new adventure !

Friday 13th April

Hope everyone had a very happy Easter break. Everyone has settled back in to the school routine well. Today we have had our skipathon in aid of Sports Relief. We practised during the week and by today were excellent skippers. With the help of year 6 we managed as a class to do 5,524 skips in ten minutes ! Here are some photos of us working hard to achieve a fantastic score. Now it's time to collect as much sponsor money as we can.

Friday 23rd March

Wow ! The children were fantastic in our Spring Festival today. They said their poem loudly,clearly and with smiles on their faces! Well done Chaplin Class !

It was our last swimming session today as well and the children have made great progress over the last five weeks. Back to P.E next term on our usual Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.

I do hope everyone has a happy and relaxing Easter holidays ready for the start of the Summer Term on Monday 9th April.

Mrs Tucker kindly made Easter cakes with the children this week so here are some photos of Chaplin Class' Mary Berrys and Paul Hollywoods !


Friday 16th March.

On Wednesday in ICT Chaplin Class received a letter from a school in the USA.The letter was a from a Reception Cass telling Chaplin Class about their school. Using the word processing skills Chaplin Class have been practising with Mrs Jack this term the children have written a letter back telling the American children all about their class at Brentry. Mrs Jack will post it and we will wait for their reply ! 

Friday 9th March

We have been catching up this week after our snowy week last week. The children have been back practising their swimming and the swimming teacher commented today that the children are making fantastic  progress. They really are and some of our 'non' swimmers are really taking off. 

Today we had our postponed World Book Day dressing up day. Wow ! The costumes were amazing. Thank you parents for making your children look like they had just stepped out of a book ! Below are some photos of the brilliant book characters we had in Chaplin Class today.

I look forward to seeing parents next week at Parent's Evening on Monday and Wednesday. Finally, I do hope all the lovely Mums have a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday and get thoroughly spoilt. You deserve it !

On Thursday we had the opportunity to try out our hockey skills. Mr Swann, from Westbury Hockey Club, taught us some skills and then let us play some games. We were very good at using the stick to control the  ball and some children even scored some goals. It was great fun !
On Thursday, Mrs Hamblin, our reading volunteer brought in her baby bunnies, Charlie and Copper. They were really soft and fluffy and we all enjoyed a cuddle !

Friday 9th February

International Week

Chaplin Class have had a very busy International Week. Each day we have been learning how to greet each other in different languages with the help of some of the children in the class. We have been learning Hungarian, French, Polish, Arabic, Iranian Farsi, Spanish, Gaelic,Punjabi, Bengali, Czech,Welsh and German. The children have also been talking about the countries they have family living in. Not only have we been learning lots but we have been eating lots too ! Thank you to all the parents who have cooked or donated food from around the World.It was all delicious and we enjoyed trying new tastes. Apart from learning and eating we have had lots of fun and enjoyed dressing up in costumes from around the World today. Here are some photos of our week.

Friday 2nd February

There has been some fantastic writing happening in Chaplin Class this week. The children have been hard at work writing poems based on the poem 'Jelly on a Plate'.



Jelly on a plate,

Jelly on a plate,

Wibble wobble,

Wibble wobble,

Jelly on a plate.


The children worked hard on planning their poems, reciting them and even acting them out in PE before writing them. In numeracy we have been learning about odd and even numbers.

We are looking forward to International Week next week. We will be saying good morning to each other in a different language each day, learning about some different countries, trying some foods from different countries and dressing up on Friday!

Friday 26th January

This week we have been busy learning to tell the time. We have been looking at o'clock and half past times. Lots of practise can be done at home on this maths topic. Ask your child what the time is if your clock is on an o'clock or half past time. Hopefully they will be able to tell you !

Thank you for taking time to talk about your journey into school with your child. The children drew some brilliant maps of their journey to school. Next week (weather permitting ) we hope to go on a walk around the local area to explore what we like about our local area and how it could be improved.

In science we have been exploring our five senses and doing touch, taste and listening experiments. Our favourite experiment was trying to guess which flavour starburst Mrs Collins had given us without looking !!

Wednesday 3rd January 2018


I hope everyone had a great holiday and best wishes for a healthy and happy 2018. We have two new exciting geography based topics to cover before Easter: Our Local Area and after half term Castles. We will also be asking for your continuing support this term with daily reading at home and learning of keywords and phonics sounds. P.E days remain the same; Tuesday afternoons and Thursday mornings.

Looking forward to starting the new term ! Any concerns or questions please come in and see me.

Mrs Collins

Friday 15th December


A busy end of term for Chaplin Class with our wonderful performance of 'The Very Hopeless Camel ' on Wednesday, Christmas Dinner on Thursday and our Class Party on Friday ! Here are some photos of us enjoying our last week in school before the holidays.


Thank you for the lovely cards and gifts we have received and all your support this term. We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and look forward to seeing you on Wednesday 3rd January 2018 !

Friday 24th November

Today Chaplin Class visited Bristol Museum. The morning started with a Dinosaur Takeover Workshop run by the Museum and University students. We took part in four different activities.  We got to hold real fossils, took part in a dinosaur dig with Dino Will, decided which dinosaur would win the Battle of the Dinosaurs and learnt about food chains. The University students were really impressed with our knowledge !

After a packed lunch we got to visit Doris the Pliosaur. We enjoyed giving her a stroke and learning all about her playing with all the activities in her exhibition.

Mrs Collins said she was really proud of Chaplin Class who listened well during the trip and were really well behaved. Chaplin Class got a present because of this...our very own Doris the Pliosaur !

A big thank you to Mrs Tucker, Miss Ransom, Carolin, Maggie and Mrs Lazard who helped us on our trip. 

Here are some photos of our day out.


Wednesday 22nd November

An exciting letter arrived in Chaplin Class today from the British Museum in London

The children worked really hard to investigate the coprolites (dinosaur poop) and discovered what the dinosaurs had been eating ! In some of the coprolites they found twigs, leaves, flowers and nuts. These must have been herbivores and could have been poop from a Brachiosaurus,Triceratops or a Stegosaurus. In the other coprolites they found feathers, bones and pieces of meat. These must have been carnivores and could have been the poop from a Tyrannasaurus Rex, Pterodactyls, Velociraptors or an Icthyosaur. I m sure the Museum will be really pleased with their findings !

Week ending 17th November.

This week has been Anti Bullying Week and we have been thinking about what makes a good friend and how we can help our friends if they have a problem. On Friday we all wore our odd socks celebrating our differences. 

We were also lucky enough to have a visit from Pudsey during Celebration Assembly on Children in Need Day on Friday. He delivered a cheque from Asda to the school.

Week ending 10th November 2017

It was great to meet so many parents at this weeks Parents Evening and have a chance to share your children's hard work.

This week we have been learning about Mary Anning. Mary Anning was a famous fossil collector during the Victorian times before scientists knew the stones were really the fossilised remains of creatures that had lived millions of years ago. One day Mary discovered the remains of an entire Icthyosaur in the cliffs near her home in Lyme Regis. She collected her fossils in her fossil bag.She became one of the most famous fossil hunters. Next week we will be writing about her and designing our own fossil bags.

Week ending 3rd November

After writing their news for me on Monday morning I know everyone in Chaplin Class had a happy half term holiday ! The children have settled back into school really well and have been working hard in numeracy learning by heart their number bonds to 10. They have been learning a poem to help them remember too. The children have taken a copy of the poem  home to practise. They all have some of our year 1 tricky words in their book bags to learn how to read and write too.

Next week I look forward to talking to you at Parents Evening on Tuesday and Thursday. If you are unable to meet on those days please let me know so we can arrange another convenient time. 


Thursday 19th October

The children were fantastic in our 60th Birthday Celebration Assembly today. They sat beautifully enjoying the performances by the rest of the school before performing confidently them selves. Well done Chaplin Class. Here are a few photos from the assembly.


A big thank you to our friends Reagan, Mackenzie and Mason from Year 6 who came and showed us how to make paper aeroplanes to use in our assembly.

Week ending 13th October 2017

This week in Chaplin Class we have been learning about some of the inventions, fashions, films and TV programmes, toys and events that happened between 2000-2009. We will be telling you all about what we have learnt at the 60th Birthday Celebration Assembly on Thursday 19th October !

The children have been hard at work retelling the story of Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs. We have been 'hot seating' some of the characters to find out how they felt during the story. Thank you to William, Jack, Zaara and Adele for pretending to be Harry, Mum, Sam and Nan..

Week beginning 2nd October

This week in Chaplin Class we have been reading 'Harry and the Bucketful of Dinosaurs' by Ian Whybrow. We are learning the story,with the help of actions, as part of our Talk for Writing program so that we can rewrite the story ourselves this week. The children have drawn some fantastic story maps for the story. 

We have been working scientifically to investigate how liquids react with each other. To do this we made 'volcanoes' in bottles. We used water, oil, food colouring and alker seltzers if you want to have a go at home !

During our ICT time the children went on the website to practise our phase 3 sounds. This is a fun way to practise our phonics and can be done easily at home. Username: brentryp Password : kent.


A reminder that it is Mental Health Awareness Day on Tuesday 10th October and we are asking the children to wear something yellow on that day. In class we will be talking about the importance of talking to someone if you are feeling sad or have a worry.

Week ending 29th September


A busy week in Chaplin Class as on Wednesday it was our Big Dig ! The children had great fun digging and looking for clues about the past. They found dinosaur bones, teeth, gems, fossils and rocks.

On Thursday, we cleaned all our finds, drew pictures of them and displayed them in pots ready to send to the museum for identification. 

Today we have written recounts about our exciting Big Dig.

Here are some photos of the fun afternoon !

Week beginning 25th September 


Last week Chaplin class were busy starting our class topic about dinosaurs. What a lot of long names to remember ! The children are now in groups named after dinosaurs, Pterodactyls, Stegosaurus, Triceratops and Ichthyosaurs and will be working on specific tables for most lessons. We definitely have some dinosaur experts in the class ! We have been looking at what might be in the ground below us and this leads us nicely to one of our WOW events of the term...THE BIG DIG

The children will be archaeologists for the afternoon on Wednesday and will be digging to see what they can discover in some soil.This may be messy work so please can parents provide a change  of old clothes and wellies or old shoes in a labelled bag on Wednesday morning. If it is a rainy day we will postpone to Thursday.

Looking forward to seeing what the children will find !

 Week beginning 18th September.


Another week has flown by in Chaplin Class and I am really proud of the way the children have settled into Year 1. They are all working hard and supporting each other in their learning and play. They are a great team.smiley

So far this term we have written our Class Charter which are a set of rules we have agreed on to ensure we are all happy,safe and able to learn in school. We have also been learning about Charlie Chaplin. We've watched some silent black and white films,  written about him, drawn some pictures of him with charcoal, pretended to be him in P.E and even dressed up like him! We all think he is a very funny character!

Last week we had three very fluffy visitors in Chaplin Class for the afternoon. Mrs. Hamblin, one of our reading volunteers, kindly brought in her three baby rabbits, Bob, Bonnie and Billie. We all had a cuddle and learnt about how to look after rabbits. Afterwards the children did some fantastic writing about our visitors.

That's not the only animals we met last week. On Thursday Harold, the giraffe, came to visit us on the Life Education Bus. He told us about how to eat healthily and look after our bodies. We all enjoyed meeting him.

I am so pleased the children have been so enthusiastic about reading. They have been great at remembering their books everyday and putting them in the crate when they need changing.

A reminder that our PE days are Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning.

Photos of some of the activities we have been doing will be appearing soon !

Thank you all for your support at the beginning of Year 1. Please do not hesitate to pop in and see me if you have any questions.

Jill Collins



