Welcome to Anning Class, all the children have made a fantastic start to year 1. It has been great getting to know them all. The Year 1 team are looking forward to the year ahead.
If you have any questions or queries please don't hesitate to contact me on jadams@brentrypirmaryschool.org.uk
Thank you,
Miss Adams
Weather Forecast
In geography year 1 looked at how the weather forecast is presented and presented the weather to the class. They used a map of the UK, weather symbols and key vocabulary.
Partitioning Number
We have been partitioning numbers into tens and ones using the part whole model. We started off by using dienes and straws to show how we partition numbers. We then used the part whole model to partition the numbers by writing the number of tens and ones.
Finding Quarters of a Quantity
In numeracy, we had to find a quarter of a quantity using cubes or counters. We knew we had to split the cubes/counters into four equal groups to find a quarter.
Rugby Sessions
Year 1 have been lucky to have rugby sessions with Bristol Bears, they have been learning about the sport, practising their throwing and catching and learning to play tag rugby.
Making Doubles
The children used counters and cubes to make doubles.
International Day
All the children dressed up for International Day and tried a variety of foods from around the world.
Spring Walk
In science we went on a spring walk around the school ground. We looked for signs of spring, like green leaves, flowers and different types of bugs.
School Trip
Anning Class went on a school trip to Bristol Museum, we found lots of things linked to our learning. We spotted fossils, dinosaur bones, gems and animals.
Marble Run Fun
As a school we had a fun science day where every class was challenged to make marble runs out of cardboard.
World Book Day!
Anning Class came to school dressed as their favourite book character on World Book Day.
The Big Dig
In history year 1's topic is Mary Anning and Amelia Earhart. Mary Anning was a famous fossil hunter, the children in Anning Class became fossil hunters for the day and went hunting for fossils, gems and bones.
Art - Finger Painting
In art the children used their fingers to paint a landscape picture.
DT - Pirate Paddy's Packed Lunch Problems
The children made packed lunches for Pirate Paddy as the seagulls kept stealing his lunch. They used recycled materials and tested it by seeing how many carrots they could fit in their lunch box.
In science year 1 went outside and observed the trees and the leaves to see what they look like during autumn. They then drew what they could see and we discussed it as a class.
Junk Modelling
To help us with our writing of our stories about our boats journey, we had an afternoon of junk modelling. We had to build boats using recycling, we then tested them out in water to see if they floated. We showed Miss Adams using our thumbs, thumbs up showed that they floated, thumbs down meant they sunk. All our boats were successful and floated.
World Book Day
During English Week we completed lots of fun activities, for example bedtime stories, library visits and World Book Day. On World Book Day we all dressed up as characters from books and we made our own book marks to either use at home or in our school reading books.
School Library Visit
The children all got to visit the school library and explore the books there, we also discussed how we could make the new library more enticing, for example adding more colours and comfy seating.
Science Experiment
During our science lesson, the children took part in an experiment using their sense. They were given different objects or foods and had to use one of their senses to guess what it was, e.g. just by smelling it, touching it or tasting it.
Geography Trip
We walked around Brentry and Henbury for our geography trip, the children had to look out for different things they could spot. They spotted the doctors surgery, a pub, the library, lots of shops, another school and ALDI.
Literacy Lesson
Year 1 explored non-fiction books to find out about lots of different animals, they then had to draw and label the animals they spotted.
Extra Playtime
On Friday, the children earnt themselves 10 minutes extra playtime during assembly, they had these 10 minutes in the sun playing in the reception playground.
Phonics Bingo
During the start of this term, the children recapped their level 2 and level 3 sounds by playing phonics bingo.
Christmas Crafts
Christmas crafts started today. We designed and painted our own baubles ready to hang on the Christmas tree.
History - Toys
Anning Class have a new topic in history, it is toys. We are going to be looking at toys now adays and those from the past, looking at their similarities and differences. The children brought in their favourite toys from home so we could all look at toys from now adays.
Spooktacular Day
We all looked a little different on Spooktacular Day, the children's costumes were all amazing!
Autumn Walk
The children went on an autumn walk with Mrs Collins, they spotted lots of things, berries, red, orange and yellow leaves, sticks, fruit, feathers, dandelions, bark and nuts. They are going to write about what they found in literacy and draw pictures of them too.
Hello Yellow Day
On Monday, we had Hello Yellow Day (World Mental Health Day) where we raised money for the Young Minds charity. The children wore yellow and during the afternoon they did a carousel of activities that promoted positive wellbeing. They built things with lego, played with playdough, completed mindfulness colourings, played with the sand and dinosaurs, created colourful patterns with the pins and made flowers out of the straws. The children all thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
KS2 Playground
The children had a extra 10 minutes playtime on Friday because Anning Class had the best attendance the week before. They played in the KS2 playground with some of the older children.
Forest School
Anning Class had their first forest school session last week. Caterpillar, their instructor, showed them how to safely make a fire, they roasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate. They also made cinnamon bread which all the children tried but not many of them liked it. The children then had a little bit of free time in the forest school area.
In PE this term we are doing gymnastics. In the first lesson we learnt different jumps, for example star, tuck and pike and the children had a go at making up their own jumps. We also explored different ways to travel along the benches and practiced our jumps off the end of them.
Welcome to Anning Class 2021-2022
Term 6
We started our Science topic about 'Scientists and Inventors' by looking at Lego which was invented by a Danish man called Ole Kirk Christiansen in 1949. We looked at the properties of plastic and why Christiansen decided to make lego out of plastic. We then made some models out of lego !
It's our final term in Year 1 ! How quickly time has gone !
We have another Art based topic this term. It's called 'Landscapes and Cityscapes' and we will be studying the work of the artists: Monet, Van Gogh and Metzinger.
We hope the weather we will be good this term so we can do lots of learning outside.
We have Sports Day, the Summer Fair,our Class Trip to Noah's Ark Farm and lots more to look forward to this term. We will also be preparing for our transition to Year 2 !
Term 5
Our Beans
We all planted a bean seed and watched how they grew ! We made sure they had water, soil and lots of sunshine ! We wrote about our beans each week in our bean diaries and drew pictures of them.
We also did an experiment and planted a bean without any soil, one without any light and one without any water. The one without any soil grew but was a bit wobbly as it didn't have any soil to anchor it's roots into. The one without light grew very,very tall as it was searching for light. It might have grown the tallest but it didn't look very healthy and was yellow ! The one with no water didn't really grow at all. We will take our beans home. Mrs Collins wonders if anyone's beanstalk will produce some beans !
We are now into the Summer Term ! Our topics in Term 5 and 6 are art based. In Term 5 are topic is called Colour Chaos and we will be learning about primary and secondary colours and mixing different colours and tints to use in our art work. We will be studying different artists too and trying to paint and draw in their style. Some of the artists we will be studying include : Paul Klee, Piet Mondrian, Wassily Kandinsky, Jackson Pollock and Rothko.
We will be looking at Plants in our Science lessons and growing our own beans. We hope our beans will grow as tall as Jack's in Jack and the Beanstalk ! We will reading the story of Jack and learning to retell it through Talk for Writing. We will try and write our own version of this traditional tale.
Fingers crossed the sun will shine every Wednesday this term as it is our turn to take part in Forest Schools ! We are looking forward to lots of fun in the Wildlife Area with Caterpillar. We may even be able to toast marshmallows around the campfire and make hot chocolate too.
Red Nose Day
On Friday we celebrated Red Nose Day by dressing up as Superheroes or in the Ukrainian colours of blue and yellow. Apart from having lots of fun we also raised lots of money for charities to help make a difference to people who are not as fortunate as we are.
Science Day
We had an exciting day on Monday as it was Science Day ! We did some science in our own class before going into Brunel Class to do some science experiments with Mrs Moore. After lunch we visited Potter Class to do some science investigations with Miss Millard. During the day we made a colour symphony, tried to make a paper clip float, investigated how to make slime stretchy and learnt about volcanoes and made lemon volcanoes ! It was great fun.
English Week
The first week of Term 4 was a busy one as it was English Week.
We loved listening to the story 'Mr. Wolf's Pancakes' on Pancake Day. We sequenced the events of the story, wrote shopping lists to buy the ingredients for pancakes, made some pancake batter and then of course ate some pancakes ! Delicious !
On Wednesday some of us came back to school in the evening dressed in our PJ's for some bedtime stories. We also enjoyed some hot chocolate and cookies.
It was World Book Day on Thursday so we dressed up as our favourite book characters. Mrs Collins thought we all looked brilliant !
Term 4
Hope everyone had a happy half term holiday !
In Term 4 we will be studying another geography based topic called 'Our Country'. We will be learning about the four countries that make up the United Kingdom - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. We will also be comparing our capital city, London, with the capital city of Brasilia in Brazil.
We start off the term with a busy week as it's English Week, Pancake Day and St David's Day !
On Wednesday we will be welcoming the children back into school in the evening for a bedtime story !
On Thursday it is World Book Day and so we will be dressing up as book characters!
On Friday we will be swapping class teachers during story time. The lovely Miss Trotman will be coming to read one of her favourite stories to Anning Class.
Here is a copy of Term 4's curriculum overview. The children have also been given a copy to take home.
Term 3
Rosie's Walk
We read the story 'Rosie's Walk' by Pat Hutchins in Literacy. We predicted what was going to happen to the fox after each page ! We then drew a map of Rosie's journey around the farmyard as part of our work in geography. Mrs Collins thought our maps were brilliant !
'Jelly on a Plate' Poems
We learnt the poem 'Jelly on a Plate'. We looked carefully at the pattern and rhythm of the poem. We learnt that parts of a poem are called verses. Mrs Collins asked us to write some more verses following the pattern of the first verse. We thought of some adjectives to describe some different foods. But of course first we had to do some research and tasted the foods and used our other senses to think of some amazing adjectives! We then wrote our poems !
Chinese New Year
On 1st February we celebrated Chinese New Year. We found out how and why the Chinese years are named after animals. This year is the year of the Tiger. It was really interesting to find out about the celebrations . We made Chinese lanterns and spiral tigers. In PE we made up dances with a partner pretending to go on a lantern procession and be a Chinese dragon. Rowan had done a lot of research and was able to show us some photos and talk about his visit to the Chinese Supermarket. He very kindly shared some fortune cookies with us at the end of the day ! Thank you Rowan.
Chip's Birthday !
January seemed a very long month after the excitement of December but luckily on the 28th January it was Chip's 6th Birthday ! Chip is our class sausage dog. His real name is Chipolata but we just call him Chip. Chip is always there for us if we are in need of a hug so we thought we would give him a birthday to remember and plan a party for him!
First we wrote a shopping list of all the things we might need for a party. Then we sent out some invitations. We made some decorations for the classroom. We designed and wrote cards to give him and wrapped his present. We iced his birthday cake and added 6 candles. We think he really enjoyed the day. He loved watching us play musical statues, bumps and chairs. We sang happy birthday to him after he blew out his candles. Then we all tucked in to a party tea. Chip was a very lucky sausage dog !. He would like to thank everyone in Anning Class for making his birthday so special and for all the lovely presents and cards he received !
We have been learning about our teen numbers. We represented the numbers in as many different ways we could using our maths equipment.
During our geography lesson we have been learning the points of the compass ...North,South,East,West! We played a game in PE to help us remember them. Today we made 'messy' maps of our classroom. We remembered that maps are drawn from a bird's eye view. We used lots of the resources in the classroom to make our maps. We think they look great !
In Science we have been learning the names of parts of our body. During our PE lesson we used different parts of our bodies to try and balance on. Some parts were harder than others !
We have been learning the names of 3D shapes and finding out the properties of these shapes. We found some of the 3D shapes can roll and some are good at stacking and others aren't. We have been making towers with the shapes. We have found out that the sides of the shapes are called 'faces'.
We started our new term by celebrating the New Year ! We made New Years Resolutions and made some New Year party crowns !
Happy New Year !
We hope you all had a relaxing holiday and would like to wish you a very happy and healthy 2022 !
The start of a new year and the start of a new term ! This term we have a geography based topic and it's all about 'Our School'. Please find below a copy of the curriculum overview of Term 3 which shows some of the topic areas we will be covering in Term 3.
We will be learning our Phase 4 and 5 sounds this term and below is a copy of these too.
There are a few staff changes this term as Miss Adams is off to teach the lucky Year 3 ! Mrs Vale Guerreiro is back from maternity leave and will be our Teaching Assistant in the mornings and Mrs Kelle Thomas will be our Teaching Assistant in the afternoons. On a Wednesday morning Year 1 will continue to be taught by Mrs Price for Music and this term by Mrs Irwin for Computing. As we will be working hard on our phonics and reading throughout the rest of the year in readiness for the Year 1 Phonics Screening Check in the Summer Term some children will be working with our Phonics Lead Teacher Mrs Tierney three times a week to boost their phonics and reading knowledge. We are very excited to be working with so many fantastic members of staff.
As always if there are any questions or problems please do not hesitate to come and talk to one of the Year 1 Team or email us.
Looking forward to the new term !
Term 2
Merry Christmas Everyone !
What a busy term it has been with lots of fun and achievements. In the last few days of term we have seen the results of our fabulous Christmas production by watching ourselves star as stable animals in 'Christmas with Aliens' on the big screen ! We have taken part in lots of Christmas sports activities and enjoyed our Christmas Dinner Day and wearing our Christmas jumpers. Here we are all dressed up and raising £ 20 for Save the Children Fund.
We hope you have a fantastic Christmas holiday and look forward to seeing you in 2022 !
Apples on the Tree Treat
Anning Class have been working hard to earn all the apples on the class tree. This week we were rewarded by having a Class treat. We voted to have a movie afternoon with popcorn and treats! We also wanted to wear our pyjamas and bring in our cuddlies and blankets. Here are some photos of us ready to watch our movie ... Toy Story!
Anti Bullying Week
One Kind Word
This week we have been thinking of the different ways we can be kind to each other. We have all been caught doing kind actions to our friends and have each received a certificate to show this. On Friday we wore odd socks to show that it is great to be different !
History of Toys
This term our history based topic is Toys. After examining our own toys and finding out what they are made of and how they work we asked our lovely parents and grandparents some questions about their own toys in the past. We were very lucky to be able to see some of those toys and books in class this week. Thank you very much parents and grandparents! The toys really brought our History lesson alive !
Term 1
We have been busy making our own fossils this week. We made some salt dough and pressed dinosaur feet and bones into the dough to make imprints. We then cooked the salt dough in the oven. Here are our results:
During this term we have been very lucky to have been taught yoga by our fabulous yoga teacher Vicky. We have really enjoyed making all the shapes as well as having some time to be quiet and still.
Autumn Amble
Anning Class went for a walk in the school grounds to look for signs of Autumn this week. With the Autumn sun out we had a lovely amble outside. We used our senses to listen to the leaves on the trees moving in the wind and stomped through piles of crunchy leaves ! We found the leaves had turned to so many different colours. We also spotted ladybirds, earwigs, nuts, berries, toadstools, seeds and apples growing on our apple trees. It was a lovely afternoon in the fresh air !
Hello Yellow Day
We celebrated Hello Yellow Day on Friday and wore yellow to raise awareness of mental health. We talked about what makes us feel happy and what we could do if we were feeling sad. Mrs Collins gave everyone a certificate to tell them how proud she is of us. We know we all have special talents and super powers that make us special. We also read a story that showed how it is fine to be different and to stand out from the crowd. We had lots of fun and took good care of each other just like we do everyday in Anning Class ! Here are some photos from the day.
National Poetry Day
It was National Poetry Day this week and we have been reading and writing poems. Anning Class were learning all about acrostic poems. We wrote a class one together before writing our own. Here is our class poem:
Dig,dig dinosaur fossils underground,
In the swamps they were found,
Nip,nipping at leaves and trees,
Out of an egg another one pops!
Scratch,scratch go the claws of a baby dinosaur,
All their names are very long,
Under the volcanoes they are so strong,
Roar,roar they make you shake like an earthquake,
Stomp,stomp the beat of their heavy feet !
On Thursday we were able to perform our poem in a Poetry Assembly in front of the whole school ! It was a bit scary but Mrs Collins said we were fantastic and that she was very proud of us. Here is a video of us practising:
The Big Dig
On Wednesday Anning Class became paleontologists and followed in the steps of Mary Anning by going on a Big Dig ! We labelled our collection pots and collected our digging equipment before setting off outside. We dug carefully and amazingly found bones, dinosaur teeth, rocks, gems and fossils ! We even took Chip, our class dog ,with us as Mary Anning used to go out fossil hunting with her own dog called Tray. Luckily Chip didn't eat any of the bones as we are going to send off our finds to the Museum to see if they can help us identify them !
It was vey exciting and we loved digging and finding objects from the past just like Mary Anning.
Circus Day !
On the day of the Fair the Circus came to Brentry so we decided to have a circus day ! We did lots of circus activities throughout the day. There was an office in the writing area where we sold circus tickets, we made clown hats and did other art activities, played in our new circus tent and watched the real Big Top arrive. We practised walking on stilts and in P.E tried to juggle, balance and walk along the tightrope ! We had lots of fun and some of us were lucky enough to visit the real circus after school at the fair !
Week starting 13th September
We have continued exploring our classroom and outdoor learning area this week. We have all enjoyed learning with our friends and being creative with the resources in the classroom. We have started to make our class rules to make sure everyone in Anning Class are able to learn in a safe and happy classroom.
During the last few days we have all been to our first whole school assembly, enjoyed playing with friends in other classes at playtimes and eaten our lunch in the hall with our friends in Year 2.
On Mondays for the next 6 weeks we will be chilling in the hall with Vicky our fabulous yoga teacher!
Here are some photos of us settling in to Anning Class.
Welcome To Anning Class 2020-2021
I hope you have all had a brilliant Summer Holiday ! We can't wait to hear about what you have been up to ! We are really looking forward to seeing you all again in the year 1 classroom. We will have lots of fun this week getting to know each other and finding out about our new classroom and topics.
When you come into class on Tuesday morning there will be lots of familiar faces to help you find your peg and drawer. You can put your water bottle by the sink and your packed lunch on the trolley and then you can play and chat with your friends !
I will be sending a welcome letter out tomorrow at the end of the day and an overview of the work we will be covering in Anning Class this year too.
Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow !
Mrs Collins
Week ending 25th June
This week in maths, we started to look at different coins.
Useful link:
Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
shot | cash |
Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
concrete | delete | complete |
Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
once | friend | school |
some | come | love |
Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
love | come | some |
your | today | were |
Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
mind | kind | find |
floor | door | poor |
Week ending 18.06.21
This week in maths we have looked at place value to 100. The children have practiced counting to 100, recognising and making numbers to 100, and comparing numbers to 100.
Useful links
Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
shut | rush |
Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
fake | lake | snake |
bake | make | grate |
Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
weaker | cheaper | meaner |
sharper | darker |
Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
could | should | would |
grey | they |
Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Thursday 24th of June
This week’s score:
money | pretty | many |
grass | pass | class |
Week Ending 11th June 2021
This week in maths we have been looking at position and direction. The Diamonds group have been looking at addition.
Here are some useful links:
Here are the spellings for this week
Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 18th of June
This week’s score:
off | puff | huff |
Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Friday 18th of June
This week’s score:
hide | bike | ride |
slide | wide | pride |
Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Friday 18th of June
This week’s score:
think | thumb | thank |
that | they | thief |
Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Friday 18th of June
This week’s score:
whale | scale | male |
amazed | gaze | came |
Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 18th of June
This week’s score:
parents | hour | steak |
beautiful | everybody | whole |
Maths- Week ending 21st of May
This week in maths we have looked at finding quarters of an amount. Please see below some useful links for games which will support your child at home.
Useful links:
Fractions and division
Counting in 2's
Place value
Spellings Week Ending 21st of May
Spelling Group 1 To be tested on Friday 28th of May
This week’s score:
bed | pet | jet |
Spelling Group 2 To be tested on Friday 28th of May
This week’s score:
herb | herd | kerb |
term | verb | fern |
Spelling Group 3 To be tested on Friday 28th of May
This week’s score:
kite | bite | prize |
knife | five | invite |
Spelling Group 4 To be tested on Friday 28th of May
This week’s score:
rice | spice | dice |
mice | ice | price |
Spelling Group 5 To be tested on Friday 28th of May
This week’s score:
satisfied | supplied | replied |
magpie | denied | untied |
Week ending 23rd April
It has been lovely to welcome the children back to school this week and for the most part they have settled in really nicely. We have had a very productive week that has seen the children make great progress with their learning and character development. Furthermore, we started the week by looking at plants, discussing what they need to grow. The children enjoyed planting some broad beans into a bowlful of cotton wool. The next day, they wrote instructions on how to grow plants effectively. Today, we checked on our bean plants and the children wrote about the changes they noticed. We also revised our understanding of 2D shapes and looked at some art work created by Piet Mondrian which inspired the children to create some fabulous collages (see pictures below).
Please have a go at practicing the spellings when you can and please bring these books back into school each day.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Many thanks,
Week ending 1st of April
The children enjoyed exploring capacity and volume, writing Easter cards, playing Buried Treasure, reviewing numbers to 50, and learning about Rio de Janeiro. We are looking forward to welcoming back the children on the 19th of April.
Happy Easter!
Best wishes,
Mr McFarlane
Week ending 26th March
Literacy and numeracy
The children blew me away with their own stories of George and the Dragon. All of the children were able to write at least one part of their own story, using adjectives to effectively describe the setting and characters. In numeracy, we studied mass and weight. We discussed how mass is how much stuff is in something, whereas weight is the force of gravity pulling down an object. The children worked together to measure the mass of different objects.
We started the week by exploring Brasilia and comparing it to London. The children enjoyed working collaboratively to compare the differences and similarities in transport, the flags, population and climates. Following this, we looked at the weather and the children were able to write a successful weather report. In RE, we looked at the word 'surprise'. The children were able to confidently share about a time where they were surprised.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
Best wishes,
Mr McFarlane
Week ending 19th March
Numeracy and literacy
This week in numeracy, the children have been exploring height and length. They have enjoyed measuring different objects using cubes and rulers. In literacy, the children sequenced and created a story map for the book George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell.
In PE, the we continued creating our class dance. Please watch the video below to see what the children have come up with so far.
In our topic lessons, we looked at London. The children explored London's landmarks using Google Earth and video tours. They then had a go at drawing and creating models of some of the landmarks (see pictures below).
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Week ending March 12th 2021
This week we had Science Week where we focused on improving our outdoor classroom. The children started the week by creating their own pencil pots using recycled and crafty materials. We then designed and made recycled planters. Next week, we will plant some sunflower seeds into our planters. Furthermore, the children also enjoyed our Wellie Walk (see pictures below), where we were looking out for the different signs of spring.
Numeracy and literacy
In numeracy, we revised counting in 2's and 5's. The children enjoyed completing a range of activities to improve their pace and conceptual understanding. In literacy, we looked at the book: George and the Dragon by Chris Wormell. We read up until the point where it is revealed that the dragon has a secret. The children then wrote a prediction about what they thought the secret was. We'll find out what it is next week.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Many thanks,
Mr McFarlane
Competition Time!
Can you guess which member of the Brentry staff team is behind each mask?
Fill in the entry form below and email it to Mrs Ochiltree at lochiltree@brentryprimarychool.org.uk by Wednesday 10th March for a chance to win prizes!
Dear parent/ guardian,
Thank you so much for all your efforts with the home learning. I have been so impressed with the work that has been sent through. Also, thank you for those of you who got back to me about how you'd like the files to be attached. The majority of parents are happy with them to be attached as PDF's. I have uploaded next weeks home learning. I have set it up differently to hopefully make it easier for you to follow. Please click on the 'Home Learning' icon like you usually would. After this you will see that there is a star that says 'Y1 Home Learning Week Beginning Jan 18th', please click on this. On there you will see the Timetable PDF and the Spellings PDF at the top of the page. The links for the White Rose Maths challenges have been included in the timetable. If you would like to complete the Diamonds/ Amethyst challenges instead then click on the 'Maths' heading and you will see them there (in order). Here you will also find the extra challenges and consolidation activities. There are also headings for Science, Geography, Handwriting and You Can't Win Them All Rainbow Fish (one of our stories). Click on these to find the PDF's for these topics. I will send out the Zoom details, stories and phonics videos next week.
I hope this makes sense and that it makes it easier for you to follow.
I hope you all have a relaxing weekend.
As always, if you have any questions or worries, send me an email and I will try and get back to you as soon as possible: amcfarlane@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk
Many thanks,
Aidan McFarlane
Dear parent/ guardian,
I hope the start to home learning has been as smooth as possible.
I have sent out an email with a link for today's story time and a separate email with the details for tomorrow's Zoom Catch Up.
Say hello to the children for me.
I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow at 1:00 PM, albeit virtually.
Please drop me an email if you have any problems/ questions:
Best wishes,
Aidan McFarlane
Dear parent/guardian,
Well done for making it through what I'm sure has been a challenging week.
I have uploaded next weeks home learning. Please click on 'School Closure Home Learning' and then 'Weekly Timetable' to see the full details of next weeks home learning. I have tried to make it as manageable for you as possible. For the numeracy I have added challenges for each of the maths groups (Diamonds, Amethysts, Topaz and Sapphires) that the children have been assigned to in school. If your child cannot remember what group he/she is in then please do email me and let me know. My hope is that this will make the numeracy easier for you and your child. I have attached everything as a PDF so that you can access the learning without having to have Microsoft Word and PowerPoint. I will be emailing out two videos of me reading a story and details for our Zoom Catch Up session. I look forward to seeing the children then. In the meantime I hope you all have a lovely weekend.
Please do email me if you have any questions and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Send my love to the children and take care.
Many thanks,
Aidan McFarlane
Dear parents.
I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year! I am currently in the process of putting together a timetable for home learning. Please keep an eye on the 'School Closure Home Learning' section above as I will be adding resources on here. I know this will be a daunting process for many of you so I hope to make it as smooth and easy to manage as possible. Please feel free to contact me at anytime:
Please send my love to the children and tell them I can't wait to catch up with them soon!
Many thanks,
Aidan McFarlane
Happy New Year!!!
I hope you've all had a lovely Christmas break.
Below are some pictures from our last week of last term.
Best wishes,
Mr McFarlane
Week ending 11th of December
Anning class loved bringing their toys from home in (see pictures below) and playing with them with their friends at school. The following day, the children wrote about their toy and who they played with. Their writing was fabulous! In science, we looked at weather reports and the children had a go at writing their own.
Maths and phonics
In maths this week, we've continued exploring 3D and 2D shapes. We looked at sorting shapes (see pictures below), drawing them and describing their properties. In phonics we looked at 'phoneme spotters' (stories where the children find a certain phoneme/ sound) to help us with some of the sounds that we still find a bit tricky.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.
Best wishes,
Mr McFarlane