
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success

Waste Week

9th - 13th March

This week has been all about waste and what we do with it! The week began with a fantastic recycling assembly from the Food for Life Partnership. This was followed by our Big Litter Pick on Tuesday. Thank you to everyone involved in making our school grounds look lovely and tidy! Wear Your Wellies Wednesday was a great success and raised lots of money for The Soil Association. On Thursday, the children made some brilliant Recycling Robots from waste brought in from home. Finally, this week our Waste Warriors began collecting food scraps from the kitchen and adding them to our compost bins.


Most importantly, the children have promised that they will do their best to remember the 3 Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!


Litter picking, wellies and composting...

..and the winning robots!
