This week we are investigating odd and even numbers. We will be dividing by 5 and 10 as well as solving division word problems.
We are continuing our phase 6 learning concentrating on /mb/ spellings.
We will be continuing to find out about Emperor penguins. We will be sequencing the penguins life cycle. We will be pretending to be Emperor penguins, looking after our eggs (balls) and acting the process they go through to look after their eggs.
This week we are focusing on micro-habitats. Maybe you could explore your garden and find as many different micro habitats as you can then draw pictures of what you have found.
Geography - In Geography we will be locating hot and cold places around the world. We will be finding out which animals live in the different climates.
In RE we will be learning about the Mosque and why it is a specail place for Muslims.
Label the picture of the Mosque - what can you see happening inside?
Answer the reading comprehension questions about visiting a Mosque.
Watch the BBC clip about a visit to the Mosque.