
Brentry Primary School

Learn Together - SHARE Success


October 3rd - National Poetry Day


Brentry's Annual Poetry Slam


Today, all classes took part in our annual Poetry Slam to celebrate National Poetry Day. Every pupil joined their class in reciting a poem, listening to others and providing positive feedback about our brave performances in front of the whole school! Here are some clips from our event:

Bowie Class

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Simmonds Class

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Darwin Class

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Anning Class

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Here is Anning class' poem about beanstalks. They have reading about beanstalks in Literacy and growing their own in Science!

Brunel Class

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Year 2's poem was inspired by their namesake: Isambard Kingdom Brunel. Brunel made many significant contributions to Bristol and so they have been studying him in History.

Parks Class

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Parks Class' poem, Autumn Days, explores onomatopoeia and how it can be used in poetry to bring the imagery to life.

Bowie Class

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Bowie Class have been studying Kennings. They learned this unusual style of poetry and then created their own riddle poems in the Kennings style. Can you decode their puzzle poems?

Year 4's Riddle Poems

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Here are Year 4's own Kennings puzzle poems. Can you work out the riddles?

Year 4's Riddle Answers

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Darwin Class

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Year 6 explored the concept of autumn as a stage in human life, through the poem 'When You Are Old' by William Butler Yeats

Darwin Class

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Our Year 6s explored creating soundscapes to support the imagery in John Clare's poem 'Pleasant Sounds'.