Welcome to Year 3
I hope you all had a lovely summer break and are ready for the start of a new term, a new year group and a new Key Stage! Exciting times ahead. New routines will take a little while to get into place but it won't be too long before we are all into the swing of things.
This page is where you can find spelling lists if someone forgets their homework book, as well as where you can see picture updates of what we are getting up to. I have added some links of extra support you can offer your child in their learning. Please have a look at these and see if this is something you are able to provide.
Any questions or queries, come and find me at the start or end of the school day. Alternatively you can email me on: zgarland@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk
Mrs Garland
Welcome back to a new year and a new school term! We are ready and raring to go here in Year 3 with a fun term ahead of us! A new year brings new starts, so please let's start as we mean to go on with reading as much as possible at home and bringing that book and reading record into school! Homework (spellings and times tables) will continue to be handed out on a Wednesday and be expected back in by the following Tuesday. P.E days remain on a Tuesday and Friday.
We have a new topic this term, learning all about 'The Romans' which will bring lots of fun and new facts I am sure.
Key dates for the diary:
2nd Jan - Inset
25th Jan - Forest School
6th Feb - Safer Internet Day
7th Feb - UV Disco
9th Feb - Last day of Term 3
As always, come and find me or email me on zgarland@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk if you have any questions or concerns about how your child is getting on!
Welcome back to school!
The first term is now under our belts and we are all now settled well into KS2. This term promises to be a busy and exciting one! With Halloween to start it off and Christmas to finish it, I'm sure it will be jam packed with fun and exciting activities.
Dates for the diary:
Wednesday 1st Nov: Encounter Christianity Visit
Thursday 9th Nov: Spooktacular Event and Dress up day
Monday 13th Nov: Anti-bullying Week/Parents Evening Week
Monday 20th Nov: Maths Week
Thursday 30th Nov: Forest School (PM)
Tuesday 5th Dec: KS2 Trip to the Panto!
Thursday 7th Dec: Christmas Jumper Day
Wednesday 13th Dec: Carols by Candlelight
Thursday 14th Dec: Christmas Lunch (can also wear Christmas Jumpers)
Friday 15th Dec: Last Day of Term 2
Hello Yellow Day
Tuesday 10th October
We have had a really fun few weeks in Year 3! We have been learning to write Instructions in English which has led to some practical experimenting with food! We had our special visitor (Mr Clarke) come into Year 3 and follow some pretty basic instructions (thank you to Ettie and Betty for letting us use yours - don't worry, it was just a first attempt at the instructions which were all pretty terrible at the start but all made MASSIVE improvements) and make a bit of a fool of himself! Spreading jam on the bread with his fingers got pretty messy but the kids absolutely loved it and we all had a good giggle. We then made our own sandwiches and wrote some great sets of instructions. The children then went onto make Pizzas out of wraps, which was a very popular snack choice as the kids really enjoyed them! They then wrote some brilliant instructions of what they did, learning all the features at the same time.
Don't worry, we haven't just been making yummy snacks for the past two weeks! We have managed to fit in LOADS of maths, science, history, R.E and more in too
What a lovely start to Year 3 we have had! We are now finally finding our feet with routines, expectations and timetables. The children have all been assessed on their Reading Age and in Spelling and have been given Reading Records and books as well as set into Spelling and Times Tables groups. This is all changeable - let's be honest, I have known these kids for two weeks so things might need adjusting as we go on!
We have got stuck into our new book 'Stone Age Boy' this week as well as our Maths Unit - Place Value. The children are enjoying learning about Rocks and The Stone Age too. The children have started Spelling and Times Tables tests and are doing well
Welcome back to a new school year, a new key stage and lots of new routines! It will definitely take a few weeks to get back into the swing of things and remember what is happening on which days but here are a few basics:
Any questions/queries, email me: zgarland@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk
Welcome to Parks Class
If you have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to contact us on: lochiltree@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk or mlawrence@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk
Mrs Ochiltree and Mr Lawrence
20th July
Happy holidays to all of our lovely Year 3 children and their fab families! See you in September!
Mrs Ochiltree and Mr Lawrence
Friday 30th June
Thanks to everyone who came along to support their child in Parks Class. We had a fantastic day, and we were so proud of all of the children who took part and tried their best. Here are some action shots!
Friday 23rd June
We visited St Mary’s Church in Henbury on Thursday, as part of our RE lessons. The children had the chance to explore the inside of the church and completed a quiz about all of the things they could see. We then went outside and the children sketched what they could see in the church grounds. It was a hot and sticky walk back to school, but the children behaved brilliantly!
On Thursday, we also had the chance to try out the new play equipment in our KS2 playground. I think their faces say it all - they loved it!
Friday 16th June
Well it’s been a very hot and sweaty week in Parks Class this week! With the hot weather set to continue for a few weeks, please don’t forget to put suncream on your child at the start of the day, and make sure they bring in a water bottle and sun hat.
This week, in maths, the children have started a new unit - Shape. We have been learning about directions, using clockwise and anti-clockwise, quarter and half turns, to direct our friend around a maze. We also found right angles in the classroom, and will be looking at acute and obtuse angles next week.
Next week, we will be going on a trip to our local church. Your child should have come home with a letter, but if they didn’t, please let me know. We need the permission slips returned for this trip. Thank you to those of you who have done so already.
Friday 9th June
Welcome back, and I hope you all had a fantastic half term! The children have started a new topic in literacy this week - Myths and Legends. We have been reading Theseus and the Minotaur, and the children wrote some brilliant descriptions of the deadly Minotaur.
In maths, we have finished off our unit on Time. This is obviously a very important life skill, so keep on practising it at home. Hopefully, they’ll surprise you with their ability to tell the time after the last few weeks!
in PE this term, we will be building up to Sports Day with some skills activities. We enjoyed working on our hockey skills, our throwing skills and our running skills in the sunshine this afternoon. It was thirsty work in this heat though!
Friday 26th May
Wow - we’ve come to the end of another term already! It’s been fantastic to see the children enjoying the sunshine this week during their break and lunch. Let’s hope it continues for us next week!
In Art this week, the children have been sewing! They drew their fruity designs onto felt, and then stitched over the top with needle and thread. Next, we’ll add some sequins for an extra bit of sparkle. Fruit-tastic!
And as a little end of term treat, we got out the climbing apparatus in our gymnastics lesson!
Friday 19th May
This week, we have continued with our ‘Relationships’ topic in PSHE. The children discussed different issues that can occur within friendships, and looked at strategies to solve them. They then acted them out in groups. Hopefully, they can use these strategies in the playground!
In gymnastics this week, we moved on from balancing to…. jumping! The children tried out several different jumps. The Pike, Straddle, Star and Tuck were amongst the favourites. Here are some photos of the children mid-jump!
Friday 12th May
Parks Class had a fantastic time at Slimbridge with Year 2 on Tuesday. They were all brilliantly behaved, and it made a nice change from the classroom!
In PE, the children have been learning different balances, using the mats and the apparatus. They came up with some of their own too. What a flexible bunch!
We’ve continued with our theme of Fruit and Vegetables this week in Art. We used paint to capture the details and colours of pineapples, pomegranates, cucumbers and tomatoes.
Friday 5th May
We had a brilliant time today celebrating the King's Coronation. The weather was kind to us, so we were able to enjoy a picnic outside, followed by some fun activities led by S4K. The children looked great in their red, white and blue!
Friday 28th April
We've had a great week in Parks Class. Despite not being in on Thursday, we've still managed to fit a lot in! In maths, we've been working on our understanding of fractions. We used multilink cubes to help us to partition a whole into fractions. The children did this really well - we've been impressed by their maths knowledge!
In English, we have been continuing to look at Little Red Riding Hood and diary entries. This week, the children have been telling the story from the perspective of different characters in the story. They enjoyed playing the part of the wolf, the grandma and Little Red Riding Hood. They interviewed each other in character to help them to retell the story.
On Wednesday, we got very messy with clay! The children worked hard on these clay sculptures of peppers. They loved sculpting the clay, and I hope you'll agree that the results are brilliant!
Friday 21st April
It's been a great first week in Year 3 for me - we have already packed so much in! On Tuesday, we were lucky enough to have a visit from The Explorer Dome, which took us on a journey around the world, experiencing many different climates and habitats. We learnt about adaptation and 'survival of the fittest'. Blessing and Anton did a great job of bringing this to life!
We started our Art unit 'Fruit and Vegetables'. The children explored tone and texture using charcoal, and had a go at drawing the inside of a pepper, focusing on the little details they could see. The results were brilliant!
Welcome back!
The last few weeks have been great settling back into Parks Class. I have loved getting to know all the children and they've all enjoyed exploring our new topics. In science we are learning about plants, we are currently doing a class experiment on what a plant needs to grow. One of our plants has no water, one has no light and one has both, at the end of the week we will look to see which is the healthiest. Our topic in geography is rainforests, we have drawn rainforest animals and created our own rainforest display using our drawings. Our book corner has also been transformed into a rainforest corner where the children enjoy reading. Every Monday we have a yoga session with a specialist yoga teacher.
Please feel free to contact me on jadams@brentryprimaryschool.org.uk if you have any questions.
Many thanks,
Miss Adams
Tree Planting
Yesterday Year 3 took part in a tree planting session where in pairs they each planted several trees which will grow to create shade on the field in the summer. All the children got fully involved and thoroughly enjoyed themselves.
Roman Project!
For this project, you should work together to complete one of the project options!
1 - Design and build The Colosseum - this can be made from anything you like! Get creative!
2 - PowerPoint - for those who enjoy getting technical. Create a PowerPoint all about The Romans!
3 - Fact file - For those who enjoy presenting facts and pictures beautifully.
These are due to be returned to school on Monday 13th December, ready for the children to present their project to the class!
It's so nice to see you all :)
Parents Evenings begin next week, from 17th May. Please check your email to get the Login Details! These will be held over Zoom/Telephone and will be 10 minutes each. The choices are Monday 17th or Wednesday 19th May!
A reminder that children should only be bringing essentials into school: water bottle, snack, reading book/record. Little toys/fiddle toys are not allowed, unless it is stated on an ILP.
P.E days are for P.E kits - it isn't an excuse to wear your favourite football kits/matching tracksuits. The correct P.E uniform is black/navy/grey joggers or leggings and a pale blue polo shirt (either with Brentry or without). Just because it is a P.E day, doesn't not mean non-uniform day!
Children should be reading daily at home, even just for 5 minutes! Please sign your child's Reading Record and send them back into school with it each day! The children who read at home also get extra Dojo Points, so it helps the class get to their Target!
Welcome Back!
Term 5
The sun is shining ready for the new term! This term is our Art Term, so we will be learning about Artists that use Fruit and Vegetables as their stimulus! The children will be sketching, painting, sculpting and designing their own fabric cushion covers! Hopefully the children will really enjoy this new topic in Art and will learn a lot of new skills along the way :)
P.E days are still Monday and Tuesday (Outdoors) and Thursday (Indoors). Times Tables and Spelling Tests remain on a Friday.
Keep checking this page for photos of the children learning and pictures of their work!
Back to School!
After another long lockdown, home learning and restrictions here there and everywhere, WE ARE BACK TO SCHOOL! I am SO looking forward to the children being back in school, learning and having fun. I bet they are really ready for it. A few reminders (as it has been a while):
P.E - Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Reading Records should be signed daily, as the children should aim to read a little bit each night
Times Tables test (and recap spelling tests) on a Friday
Any questions or queries, find me at the door at the end of the day :)
I hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year. What a strange way to start 2021!
This week is your first full week of structured Home Learning. The Timetable has been uploaded to the Home Learning section of our class Webpage and on there you will find links to all of the resources needed to complete your remote learning. I thought it would be easiest to put all of the links in one place but if you run into any trouble, please do email me (can also be found on the Home Learning Page) and I will endeavour to make things easier for you!
I appreciate how stressful and difficult Home Learning can be, so please try not to put too much pressure on yourselves and the children to get it all done, especially this week. Do what you can :)
Please try to take some photos of your children completing their Home Learning, out on a bike ride or long walk, baking, doing Arts and Crafts etc and I will create a folder so we can all see what each other is up to :)
Take care of yourselves and I can't wait to see you all when we can!
Miss Garland
I hope you have a special but safe Christmas and New Year. We can't wait to welcome you back in on January 5th.
I hope you all had an enjoyable and relaxing half term break and are now ready to get stuck into Term 2!
Last term absolutely whizzed by in the end, despite us all having to get used to lots of new routines and changes around the school. Thank you to those of you who showed patience and understanding, it did not go unnoticed.
Term 2 is here and we are already a week in! The children are excited to be back to school and have already got stuck into their new history topic: The Romans! They are going to love this topic, learning all about the Roman Empire, Invasion, Gladiators and with a bit of Roman gore thrown in, they will be in their element.
No children should be bringing in anything other than their reading books and themselves, for example, toys and pencil cases. This is adding germs to the bubble unnecessarily. P.E days are Monday and Thursday, although it looks like the additional sport sessions on a Tuesday will continue, so they are welcome to wear P.E kit on this day also. As the weather worsens, please ensure your child is wearing the correct kit and be aware that if it is wet, they will not be able to have their Monday P.E session safely and will be cancelled. It is a shame, but that's the Great British Weather for you.
Year 3 are doing brilliantly with their reading at home and it is so lovely to see so many Reading Records! These are checked on a daily basis and Dojo Points are awarded for reading at home, ultimately leading to a lovely treat at the end of the term, so keep this going!
Now the first term has come and gone, we have a better understanding of the gaps in learning and are able to tackle these on a more individual basis. This means spellings and times tables will now be split into groups, according to the needs of each of the children. There will be three spelling and three times tables groups. Your child will come home with a letter detailing which group they are in and what you can do to help them. Keep an eye out for this. The spellings and times tables will be on the website as usual - Year 3 - Spellings and Times Tables - Groups.
Hopefully you have seen the letter requesting that all adults on site must be wearing a mask to pick up and drop off their child/ren. Please adhere to this, as well as Social Distancing guidelines. That means no hanging out on the benches with your friends that are supposed to only be used by children! Thank you for your support in this. We all have vulnerable people in our community and families that we must protect, together.
Homework will be sent via the Class Webpage and will be Friday-Friday for Year 3. Look at 'Spellings and Times Tables' to find the work.
The expectation is that your child should be reading every night at home and bringing their reading record to school everyday. A set of spellings will be uploaded to the website every Friday and these should be practiced ready to be tested on the following Friday. A times table activity will also be uploaded for completion. This will help them for their times table test on a Friday too.
Well we are a couple of weeks into Term 1 now and I am so impressed with how well the children are settling back into school life! They have adapted really well to new routines and structure and I am so pleased with how they have settled. Most children are really happy to be back to school and are working hard in class!
A few reminders:
Thank you for all of your support!
Dear Parks Class 2020-2021,
Welcome! I can't wait to see you all
The new year is almost here and we are all ready to welcome you back to school. We haven't seen lots of you for quite a while and there might be a few nerves going around which is totally normal, but I hope there is lots of excitement too! I know I am excited and ready to see you all. The new term will be a little different to what we are used to but it will soon be back to normal, as much as possible. We will get to know each other really well this year and I for one, cannot wait! Mrs Irwin and I are very excited to teach you and spend time with you. There is so much to look forward to and I am sure we will all get used to the new normal and new routines very soon! Get your uniforms ready for Monday, we can't wait to see you in with a smile
Enjoy the weekend!
Miss Garland
As you must now know, schools across the UK are closed from this Friday! This is so sad but so necessary. Please keep your child at home if it is at all possible to slow the spread of Covid-19. Keep safe!
Keep an eye on the School Closure page - click on the Rainbow for updates!
This year we have had a focus in Literacy which is an awesome video from The Literacy Shed about a boy from another culture who goes on an incredible journey. The children have loved having their English lessons all based around it and have got some fab writing done!
Bedtime stories was a hit, World Book Day costumes were looking incredible and despite the disappointment of not being able to walk to the library, we went into our school library twice and read stories. I have attached some photos so have a scroll!
An R.E letter went home recently about hopefully getting our families involved in the teaching of R.E at Brentry! We asked if anyone would be willing to come into school and speak to the children about how Religion is practised at home in your family. We love offering our children experiences and an understanding of how different religions pray differently. This learning would really be enhanced by some volunteers! If this is something you are interested in helping with, please do come and see me!
Isn't the term going quickly?! January (the longest month ever!) is well and truly over and the mornings are starting to get that little bit lighter, hurray!
We've been really busy over here, our Rainforest Topic (new this year) has been a huge success so far! The children have been really interested and engaged in topics such as animal extinction and deforestation, which have opened some really interesting debates and conversations. The children have so much to say and so much they want to learn, it is just lovely to hear. We have written some fab non-chronological reports based on the Rainforest after completing our own research using the school tablets and computers. Anything ICT, the kids are loving it!
Things are going well in the rest of the curriculum too. Despite facing the cold, Parks Class are enjoying getting active with Basketball this term. Please remember that an hour in the cold in teeny cycling shorts isn't really that enjoyable in the winter. The kids are running around a lot so staying fairly warm but have had a few children wearing clothing not appropriate for the harsh British winter. Jogging bottoms/leggings and sweatshirts along with comfy trainers would be better.
Keep reading at home as much as possible. I keep a track of who is bringing their Reading Records to school regularly and last week (w/b 27.1.20) was the best week for a while! Keep this going please!
Welcome back to a New Year here in Parks Class. I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year! I hope it was full of festivities, over indulgence, family time and laughs.
We are kicking 2020 off in style with our amazing new topic, Rainforests! The children are already really engaged and excited by this new topic and can't wait to get stuck in!
PE days are still Monday (indoor) and Thursday (outdoor, weather permitting). It is pretty cold out there, so please provide your child with warm joggers and jumpers!
Reading every night should have crept back in now, it WILL help your child!
As always, come and see me with any questions or queries and keep an eye on 'Gallery of Learning' for photos of the fun the kids get up to!
The last week of school is here! We have got loads of exciting things going on this week! Crafts, activities, pantomines, Christmas dinner and jumper day, parties.... the list goes on! All lovely things to look forward to!
Christmas Dinner money should now have been handed in to the Office or paid on School Gateway. Letters for Carols by Candlelight should also have been handed in!
In case I don't see you this week, have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Well we are really getting excited for the fact that Christmas is just round the corner now! The children are in high spirits and looking forward to all of the exciting things coming up!
Here are some dates for your diary:
Thursday 12th Dec - Christmas Fair - 3.30pm
Tuesday 17th Dec - Pantomime
Wednesday 15th Dec - Carols by Candlelight - 6pm
Thursday 16th Dec - Last day of school
Please also note - Monday 6th Jan - Inset Day
Plenty of fun and learning going on here still! We are getting completely stuck in to The Stone Age here! The children have been super enthusiastic and now have a brilliant understanding of the food eaten, how people would hunt, houses they would live in, clothing they would wear and so much more! The children have started to create a non-chronological report in their History lessons (linking with an English objective) to add the information they learn into. Parks Class are beginning to really take pride in their work and it is paying off!
In PE, Parks Class are really getting into Hockey as their outdoor sport. It is getting really quite cold out, so please ensure your child has clothing appropriate for the weather! The children are loving Hockey and we are beginning to introduce mini matches, which they get very competitive in, but can also show off their skills!
We have been really busy here in Parks Class! We recently had Branch Out Community Church in to chat to us all about the Bible and the stories within it. The children learnt about the New Testament and the Old Testament. They got to ask all sorts of questions and hear some summaries of some of the stories. It was a lovely visit!
We have been busy in Topic, learning about Mary Anning; as our Science is Rocks and Fossils the children made some superb leaflets all about her life and work. They look fantastic!
In History, we have been learning about the artwork left on the cave walls and the children had a go at some of this too! See 'Gallery of Learning' for some examples. There are also examples from Jack, Eliza and Chloe on the display board in our classroom!
This week we also celebrated Anti-bullying week which has the message of 'Change Starts with Us'. This was all about recognising what we can do to make someones day just a little bit brighter. We made Fortune Tellers/Chatterboxes with ideas of how to help someone who was feeling down. The children really understood the message and thought about which small changes they could make to help others.
November is coming to an end - please don't forget about non-uniform day on 29.11.19 and the Christmas Fair on 5.12.19. I can already smell the mulling...
We are into the swing of things here in Term 2! We started the week with Remembrance Day, beginning to understand why we have this special day to commemorate those who have fought for us. The children carried out a 2 minute silence and were very respectful.
This week we learnt about types of Rocks - natural or human made and sorted some out. We have been getting really into our Stone Age topic too! We had the best time making our 3D Stonehenge models out of biscuits! It was quite frustrating when it didn't quite go to plan, but we learnt a lesson in perseverance and developed our Growth Mindset along the way! Please do check 'Gallery of Learning' for pictures of this!
We have been getting into our story, Stone Age Boy this week, creating some fantastic diary entries from the main characters perspective! Our writing is really progressing, it is lovely to see!
Please make sure you have read the newsletter for this term, as there are some very important dates regarding all things festive that will creep up on us quicker than we know!
I cannot believe Term 1 is over and we are already into Term 2, heading towards exciting things! The nights are getting colder and darker but we are still remaining positive and working our socks off!
Term 1 was an absolute success, we had so many highlights! Making potions and lava lamps, learning about the Romans (Roman Day!), projects, tag rugby in the rain (), a trip to Bath, visitors, an introduction to KS2 singing assembly and lots and lots of laughter! All that in only 7 weeks! The children have all settled into Year 3 and KS2 brilliantly well and I am so proud of each and every one of them.
We are steaming ahead towards the big 'C' and before the excitement takes over, we have got all kinds of things to look forward to. This term we are learning about 'The Stone Age'. This is such a brilliant topic and the children get really into it! We are also learning about Rocks and Fossils in Science which links nicely. This term in PE (if we can get out in this awful weather) we will be learning how to challenge ourselves in Circuits - learning a skill and developing it over time, pushing ourselves to carry them out to the highest standard.
This term we are going to be pushing the reading and times tables, at home and at school. These are fundamental and will help push the children towards the Expected Standard in Reading and Maths. At the end of this term the children will be assessed to give us an idea of the level they are currently working at. From there we will know the areas the children need more focus on and we will relay these to you, to ensure we are working as a team to get the best out of the children! As always, any questions, come and find me at the end of the day!
The weeks really are flying! It won't be long now until we can lie in all morning and have fun days out with family and friends!
This week in maths, the focus has been adding and subtracting three digit numbers and two digit numbers! Not an easy thing to do! We have been learning how to use the formal written method 'column method' for addition and will soon be moving onto subtraction. I love how the children are taking on challenges with such positivity! The game has really stepped up and they are certainly rising to the challenge.
Speaking of positivity, the children learnt about what a Growth Mindset is this week- about learning from mistakes and taking on challenges rather than shying away from them. This is a lesson we all need to remember, especially as things get tougher! Stick with it guys, you are doing so well and being positive is half the battle!
This week has been a busy one! We made disgusting yet really fun potions in Science! The purpose of this activity was to measure accurately, which is one of our Science Objectives. The children used pipettes to measure the correct amount of drops, they used teaspoons and tablespoons to measure liquid accurately and counted the right amount of frogs bogeys (AKA frozen peas). The children loved it, it absolutely stank out the classroom but all in the name of fun whilst learning!
We are getting really stuck into our Tag Rugby unit this term, and played our first proper matches this week. We still had the occasional ball being thrown forwards (!) but the progress is brilliant and the children are working well as a team.
Big shout out to these children, who, so far, have read almost every night of the school week since the first week of term: Parker, Jack, Jake, Adele and Belle. There are some others who have done loads of super reading, but those 5 have been incredibly consistent and I am so impressed! Well done! All of the children's effort is recognised when they move up the Reading Chart weekly, so if you've not got into the swing of reading yet, there is still plenty of time!
Another crazy busy week here, with more rain imaginable. But we are all good and all dry!
This week we have done loads of fun activities! We have written and finished our Newspaper Reports based on our class text: Escape from Pompeii. They turned out brilliantly, some work to be really proud of, especially this early in the year!
We have finished our Place Value in maths and had fun carrying out a Place Value investigation to finish the unit. See 'Gallery of Learning' for some pictures of this.
We made Lava Lamps in Science this week. This first term is 'Working Scientifically' where we become little scientists, carrying out experiments and testing things. Year 3 really enjoyed this activity - make sure to look out for photos on the Gallery of Learning page.
We also added to our Roman display board with some seriously gorgeous leaflets all about the Roman Baths. I am super impressed with the hard work that went into producing such lovely pieces of work. We also designed some Roman pots, using mosaic to create patterns in the typical Roman colours. I will get these on the website too, for you all to have a look at. They're great.
Another fantastic week in Parks Class. Well done Year 3!
Well, here we are beginning our fourth week of this term, almost at the half way point of the term already! It's totally whizzed by so far and the class have been up to all sorts. So here is an update!
In maths, Year 3 have been working hard on their Place Value unit. They are learning the worth of all digits in a number, up to four digits. They are learning to compare them, using plenty of fancy maths symbols and order them in different ways. They've enjoyed the challenge of getting onto the extension tasks and we will see how well they've done with a mini assessment next week.
Year 3 have been reading 'Escape from Pompeii' this term in English, with this weeks' focus being writing a newspaper report to record the events of that terrible day. They have done really well so far, understanding the features and learning what makes a great newspaper report. We will see how they get on with writing their own!
We have begun to delve further into the Romans, learning about Roman Roads, the Empire and its invasion over Europe and have linked this with Art, making our own Roman Mosaics. They look lovely and we have squeezed some onto the Romans display in the classroom.
Year 3 have been learning to 'Work Scientifically' this term, this has meant they have carried out little experiments, made predictions, gathered results and presented their results in different ways. This continues with a few more hands on activities over the coming weeks, all with a different focus within Working Scientifically.
Just a reminder, that this Friday (27.9.19) we are headed into Bath for the day. We will be visiting the Abbey and attending the Children's Literature Festival, hoping to meet the author of our current class novel, Cressida Cowell. Please make sure the children are in full school uniform, with a coat as it looks like it could be a wash out!
WELCOME TO YEAR 3, Class of 2019-2020
Hello to lots of new faces to this section of Brentry's website! Welcome to Year 3. I hope you have had a fun and relaxing break and are all ready to get back into the swing of things. I know it will take a little while for everything to settle in and get back to normality, but if your are unsure of anything, please do ask.
This is where you will find class information, photos of the children working hard and important dates. Keep an eye especially on the Gallery of Learning, as this is will be updated weekly.
Our 'Back to School' meetings are currently being planned, so when we know exactly when they will be, I will let you know! If you can make it, it would be lovely to meet as many parents/carers as possible! Until then, we start as we mean to go on by being super busy and enjoying learning new things!
I hope everyone had a nice little break and we are all ready to throw ourselves into Term 6. I honestly can't believe where the time has gone, but here's to the last one in Year 3.
There is a lot going on this term, with Art Day this week, our trip out to Avon Valley on 18th June, moving up days, Sports Day and plenty more thrown in. It certainly will be a busy one.
Hopefully, as it is almost the summer, we are going to be getting a bit of sunshine over the coming weeks. Please ensure all children have a water bottle, sun hats and sun cream. The children are outside for an hour at the hottest part of the day and although we do have some lovely shaded areas for the kids to play, we need to be sensible in the sun and teaching them good habits too. Thank you for the support.
Another reminder that NO toys are allowed in school. We have had yet more instances of broken toys or lost cuddly toys. This wouldn't happen if they were to remain at home where they are meant to be.
Please do keep an eye on the 'Gallery of Learning' icon, as this is where most of the updates take place!
Termly Update:
This term has been a whirlwind! It has gone at an incredible pace, but the children are just about ready for a little break. This term we have been trying and mostly succeeding, with Time in maths. This is an area that needs to be supported by adults at home, as there simply isn't enough time (pun intended) to teach Time in school. Keep going through the rules of Time with your child to keep it fresh. There is still work to be done!
Plants has been a fun topic, we have grown (and almost killed) cress. The sun over last weekend was very hot and burnt lots of it sadly. But the children still made predictions and tested the cress under different conditions which is great. The children have also loved sketching flowers and using water colours to paint beautiful flowers too!
We need Plastic Bottle tops to create a beautiful mural when we go back into the new school. Next term I will be tasking a couple of children per class to help me put it together but we can't do that without the Bottle Tops!
Keep collecting them and bringing them into class.
Welcome back!
Wow, we are 2/3 of the way through the school year! I hope you all had an eggcellent Easter break and enjoyed some well deserved rest.
We have already got off to a busy start this term, finishing off our Fractions unit in Maths and writing formal letters in English. This term we are focussing on Plants as our Science topic and as it is the Summer Term now (despite the rain) we have an Art focus, which is Sculptures this term. We look forward to creating some clay masterpieces and possibly some junk modelling too, depending on time!
Speaking of time, we are moving on to Time in Maths next week. This is a unit of Maths that is really tricky for some children to understand. Please help your child out as much as possible by having the discussion of Time with them. What time is it? What time will it be in 15 mins? How will the clock show quarter past 5? These are some examples, but just getting them involved in all things Time, will really benefit them and make them feel more confident in their ability to tell the time.
As always, if you need to know anything or have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!
I just wanted to say a MASSIVE Thank You! I can really tell that the children and parents have worked so hard this term on their Mexico Projects. I am seriously impressed and the children will be getting certificates awarded at the end of the year for completing 3/3 projects throughout the school year. I am honestly so proud of all of the children.
Where has this term gone?!
This term is unbelievably, coming to an end already! I just wanted to apologise quickly, for some events being cancelled this term; Spring Festival and Fly the World. It has been a really busy one, and from what I can gather, the builders are very busy too! Which is partly why we haven't been able to carry out these things. It is out of our hands sadly.
Over the Easter break, the children will be getting a new set of spellings to learn as well as a few little pieces of work to keep their brains active, whilst eating chocolate eggs, of course. They should be completed and returned in the first week back. Please keep the reading going, though it doesn't need to be written down over the holidays!
Enjoy the break, the sunshine (fingers crossed) and a well earned rest for all the children!
Reading Shields!
This week we have started a new way to get more children reading at home!
It works like this:
Read at home 5 times over any period of time and get onto the Bronze Shield. These children will all receive 5 Dojo Points.
Read at home 10 times over any time period and the children can have a prize from the prize box.
Read at home 20 times and at the end of the term those children will be put into a raffle at the end of the term. If you get picked out of the raffle, there will be a special treat for that individual! (Or two, if I am feeling generous!)
Keep reading everyone! You may be very surprised how much it actually helps your child!
What have we been up to?
Well Gandhi Class are really getting into the swing of Term 4. We now know where Mexico is in the world and are learning all about it. This week, was Culture and Traditions and we learnt all about Cinco de Mayo. The children are LOVING this topic and are keen to learn more!
In Science, we have started Forces and Magnets by learning about push and pull this week, moving onto friction next week. The children demonstrated some of these and the pictures are on our Science display. Pop in and have a look if you have some time. We are excited to learn about Magnetic force in the next few weeks and have some super experiments to try out!
In English, we have been writing some amazing (and some hilarious) playscripts! We started off by acting one out (which some of the children LOVED, being the drama kings and queens that they are) and then turned popular stories into scripts.
In maths, the children have been learning about Length, converting, ordering, predicting and measuring. They have all tried really hard with what is a really tricky subject to get your head around!
Welcome back! We are ready for Term 4 in Gandhi Class!
We have started off the term with some gorgeous sunshine, let's have everything crossed it stays this way!
This term we are studying 'Mexico' as our Geography topic, comparing it to the UK, learning about food, culture, language, festivals and more. Look out for a project letter, which will be going home in the second week, due in at the end of the term. It is a bit different to the first one, so I am looking forward to them!
As it is a fresh term, please can I ask that everyone gets back on board with reading at home, spellings and times tables as often as possible; every little really does count! Homework is still set Wednesday and due back in on the following Tuesday. IF your child brings their homework book in on a Wednesday, that will not give me enough time to look at it/mark it before it goes back out again.
Finally, a few dates for the diary!
This Friday, 28th Feb - Yellow Day! Wear something yellow for Fairtrade and bring in £1
Wednesday 6th March - Library visit
Thursday 7th March - Open Morning, see a Reading Comprehension lesson in action
Friday 8th March - World Book Day! Dress as a character from your favourite book
All English Week letters must be in this week, by 1st March!
We are half way through the term already, and what a busy one it has been!
This term we have been learning about Mountains and Volcanoes in Geography and Rocks in Science. We have linked these to our Writing too and are gradually learning about types of rocks and how they were formed, as well as how volcanoes were formed and where you can find some! The children are really enjoying this topic so far.
Gandhi Class have created some fantastic art work, which is all displayed in and around the classroom. Make sure you pop in to have a look, some of it is truly amazing.
A quick apology about the muddy shoes after our rock hunt! It was a beautiful sunny day but some children did get quite into finding the best rocks! Nothing a bit of warm water and fairy liquid shouldn't fix though. All in the name of learning and fun, I say!
Keep an eye out on 'Gallery of Learning' to see some of this in action!
Welcome to 2019 - I hope you've had a lovely festive break and enjoyed relaxing with loved ones.
Now for getting our teeth stuck back into School Life, ensuring book bags are stocked Reading Records are starting to fill up! This is the most important reminder for 2019 - reading every night is the target, try to reach it!
This term we are covering Mountains and Volcanoes including Rocks as our Science topic. It will be a brilliant topic to get into and the children will be doing research projects at school as well as building a 3-D volcano! Prepare for sticky, uniforms, sorry...
Dates for the Diary!
As we all know, this term is such a busy one and is already flying by! There are loads of things going on concerning Gandhi Class, so here is just a little reminder.
Friday 7th Dec - Year 3 and Year 4 Carol Service at Bristol Cathedral. We will be leaving at 11.30am and returning by 3.15pm. We will eat a packed lunch once we arrive. This trip is for the children only, no parents will be let in but I will take plenty of photos!
Thursday 13th Dec - Whole class term treat - IF they get to their target for Dojo points!
Friday 14th Dec - Roman Day! Children can dress up as a Roman, will try some Roman food and do some Roman art and design. They will show their outfits off in Celebration Assembly too!
Tuesday 18th Dec - Christmas Art afternoon - things could get messy!
Wednesday 19th Dec - Christmas Jumper Day and Christmas Dinner! Letters should have gone home if you would like your child to have a Christmas Dinner. If you haven't got one, see the Admin Team and they can get you another one.
Wednesday 19th Dec, 6pm - Carols by Candlelight Service. Key Stage 2 will put on a spectacle for you all to see, including all things jolly and festive. A lovely evening to get us all into the spirit.
Friday 21st Dec - Last day of term!
I hope everyone had a lovely half term and we are now ready to get back into the swing of things! Year 3 are covering The Romans this term and are already getting stuck in! We will be having a Roman Day at the end of this term, so watch out for a letter for that.
We also have Parents Evening this term; I can't wait to talk about how the kids are getting on! Please make sure you try to fill in a survey as it helps us to improve the school.
With Christmas coming up, the children will be getting very excited, but please make sure you are still doing all of the important things, such as reading as much as possible at home and getting those spellings done. It'll all help your child progress, which is why we are all here.
As always, any questions, come and find me!
You have reached your 1000 Dojo Point Target! You now get the treat for the term! Due to your really hard work and concentration, you deserve a special treat! Well done for getting it today, just in time!
Tomorrow, the children can bring their PJ's in a bag and change into them in the afternoon. They can bring one teddy and a snack to have whilst watching the film. They can wear slippers and a dressing gown too if they like! Just to stress, all children should come to school in their normal school uniform, and change after lunch. They will also go home in their school uniform! It should be a lovely afternoon!
Well done for all the hard work Year 3 and for settling in to Key Stage 2 so well!
They will be participating in a tag rugby workshop - our topic in P.E this term, so I'm sure they will love it!
Welcome to the Year 3 class page and to the new school year!
We have begun the year very positively with all of the children throwing themselves into Key Stage 2. They are getting inspired by our Stone Age topic and are enjoying the challenge of getting to grips with being in the Juniors.
Thank you to all parents who attended the 'Back to School' meeting, as I mentioned to them, if you have any questions or queries, please come and ask!
On this page, you will be directed to the Class Gallery - please keep an eye on this to see how the children are getting on in class and see what they're up to! Also, see the Spellings icon, where you can see the spelling lists as well as some ideas for how to spruce up spellings. As well as this, see the Home Learning icon where you will find some recommendations for useful websites.
Now let's just enjoy the autumn term and all it brings!