Winter Break Homework Project - Past Papers
The class received a blank set of past SATs papers for any students dedicated - or bored - enough to challenge themselves over the half term break. I have uploaded the markschemes below for the children to mark their own papers. I am happy to help any children to mark or go through tricky questions at Homework Club each Wednesday. These papers are tough. Please email me if you have any confusion.
Daily Homework
The weekly spellings for this term can be found above. I like to give you these at the start of term, so they can live on your fridge and are in prime position for daily pop quizzing as you slurp your cornflakes! Practising your spellings may not always involve writing. You could sing them in the shower, spell them with spaghetti hoops or trace them in your bath bubbles. Whichever way you choose, you should be rehearsing at least a couple a day.
You will be tested on 10 spellings each week, BUT your list will only include 5 of the 10 spellings. Year 6s are expected to know and apply spellings rules independently, as well as being able to recognise common exceptions. This means 5 of the words have to be 'unseen'. Spend some time between tests thinking of as many words as you can which fit the rule and which might be considered exceptions. Yup, Year 6 spellings are mean. If you would like to hear more about why, ask me in school or get your grown ups to send me an email. As always, there are no consequences if you score 0. I will always celebrate personal bests.
We have a HUGE selection of texts, fiction and non-fiction, for you to get your teeth into on our brand new bookcase!
You are responsible for reading regularly at home. I would expect students to be reading at least three times a week in short bursts. Reading aloud and discussing the text with an adult or friend will help you to improve your comprehension and reasoning skills. However, I appreciate that Year 6s will - most often - read independently. Please ask an adult to sign your reading record when they see you reading, even if they do not get to hear you read. Darwin class loves to celebrate bookworms.
Weekly Homework
Set: Thursday Due: Wednesday Homework Club: Wednesday 12.30pm
You should always spend 30 mins of effort on your weekly Maths and Literacy tasks (more if you are feeling inspired)! Anything you do not complete in 30 mins is okay with me, as long as it is okay with your grown ups. We all work at different paces and that is okay. I suggest using a stopwatch :)
If you do not complete any part of your homework in time for the Wednesday hand-in, then you will be asked to stay for 'Homework Club' during Wednesday lunchtime. This is not a punishment, but it is a requirement. I 100% understand that sometimes a week is just too busy and I firmly believe homework should never stand in the way of life's adventures. Homework Club is a useful opportunity to complete the homework you have missed or to receive 1:1 support from me, if you are finding the tasks too tricky.
Each week, you will be provided with a Maths task to be completed in your Homework books. Maths Homework will be due each Wednesday for us to mark together in class. The homework will usually link to the units studied in class that week; however, I may also set arithmetic tasks to revise your core skills in the four operations.
If you are stuck, use the link below to reach the White Rose Home Learning videos. You will find video explanations to help you revise all units studied in class throughout the year.
I will set Literacy-based task for you to complete in your Homework book each week. This will often link to the SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) curriculum studied in the week or may encourage you to exercise your creativity. Literacy homework is also due on a Wednesday.
While we like to prep our Year 6s for the independence they will need to meet the huge homework demands of secondary school, we are also well aware that this homework will largely be completed on account of the encouragement and resilience of our wonderful parents. Thankyou for your continued support
Primary Curriculum Revision:
You will be receiving a SATs pack in term 4, which will contain everything you need to revise for your SATs in May. However, I know some of you are hoping to work on the areas of the primary curriculum in which you feel least secure. I will upload all our end of unit assessments and the mark-schemes here, so you can practise with adults at home as many times as you like at home to build you confidence. This is absolutely optional.
Year 6 Term 1 Maths - End of Unit Assessments
Year 6 Term 2 - End of Unit Assessments
Year 6 Term 3 - End of Unit Assessments
Year 6 Term 4 - End of Unit Assessments
SPaG - End of Term Assessments
Additional Resources
If you're keen to do some extra learning at home, please take a look at these excellent educational games and websites: